
Does anyone think that it's okay to receive government services...?

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I have been going through a very tough time financially for the past 4mos.!

First, I lost my job last Dec. when I was 4mos. pregnant with my third child. I made pretty good money while I was there ( I worked in Finance). Then my husband lost his job, after being injured by another guy who hit his machine while he was sitting still...he ended up going to the company doc. To make a long story short! I had to get food stamps, WIC etc. So, my question is, do you think that I deserve to receive this assistance just like any other person who doesn't have any monetary resources? I feel that people try and put you in the category of others who simply are just getting over on the gov'mt, But what about people like me who really are in need of such services due to situations that are out of your control?? Besides, I have paid my taxes which funds these services like everyone else!




  1. These programs are there for people like you that hit hard times.  Do not be ashamed of it at least you are surviving and trying to get on your feet.  People that look down on people on assistance don't even know what they are looking down at.  They have their heads so far in the clouds that they are blind to everything.

  2. Your situation is exactly what they're there for.

  3. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. At least you're trying. People who  don't try to get back on their feet, though, there is something wrong with.

  4. For the most part, whats happened to you is pretty much what happens to most people who find themselves getting government services, they never thought they would be there an they are on it for about a year.

    If you have been through the mill yourself I'm sure you realize that its hardly the easy way to get some money, and the money you do get isn't such an enormous amount that you stopped looking for work or were enjoying the high life on food stamps.

    You qualified, I hesitate to use the term deserve because there is such baggage attached to that word when it comes to needing help.

    There is a lot of stigma attached to aid, and a lot of hoops they put you through.  Its not the fun and games for the lazy so many like to portray it as being.

  5. You are totally right. Never put yourself in the bad spot. This happened to show you. You deserve anything you get. Many people owe thousands of dollars of their own money to the IRS. If they don't help people, then they need to quit taking money from our paychecks.

  6. If you need then apply for services, it is hard to look for a job when you are hungry.

  7. The situation you describe is exactly what government assistance was created to help!  You are certainly entitled to receive benefits.

    And no one should judge...

    The only people I get frustrated with are those who are capable of working but refuse to work or even try to look for work, because then they are taking advantage of the system.

    I hope your situation improves soon, and good luck with your pregnancy!

  8. maybe

  9. you are entitled to it, that is what it is for, a temporary safety net....the problem is that some able-bodied people live on it for years and years...I don't mind my tax dollars being spent for people who need a little help, again, just don't make it a habit, I think most people are happy to help in a situation like yours....

    good luck in the future, and I wish your Husband a speedy recovery.

  10. Yes I've paid my taxes for years I'm 27 and worked full time since I was 17 and part time from 14 to 17.  I make okay money but my man lost his job when I was 3 months pregnant I'm now 6 months and he still doesn't have a job and I can't pay bills and I need to eat healthy so I went on WIC last week.  I feel bad but I also feel people like you and I aren't taking advantage we put the money in and we need it.  The program is there for us.  Hopefully everyone will get jobs again and we won't need it.  However don't feel bad.  You paid in and you need help.  Its okay.

  11. No there is nothing wrong with you getting the services needed.

    But from now on perhaps you won't consider every person who gets help to be a deadbeat! Maybe you will realize that there are a good many people who get help - who like you, really need it.

  12. The system was originally created for people like you.  You will have the assistance of the Government of the greatest country on the earth long enough for you to get back on your feet.  If the only people recieving assistance were those like yourself there would be no need for half the govt. agency's.  What is wrong are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. generation welfare recipients who have no incentive to better themselves.  

  13. Yes-it is ok to receive Gov. services.

    What the problem is is when people stay on Gov. services for life with no attempt to get a job and become self-reliant as much as possible.

  14. That's what it's there for. People like you. Don't think any more about it.

  15. those services are there for people who need help and if you quilify you  are entilited to them

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