
Does anyone think that society is to uptight?

by Guest33052  |  earlier

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Sometimes I feel so wound up trying to pretend like I care about all these family morals blah blah blah pot ruins lives blah blah blah.




  1. society is not uptight... society has gotten very loose over the last decades

  2. yes.

  3. I think our morals and ethical values as a society collectively have plummeted over the past decades to centuries.  I think we have become a very hypocritical society:  always preaching about what's right but remaining passive about it.   I do think we need to instill morals and ethical values back into our children, but by BEING the example, not by letting them hear it from teachers at school or watching it on t.v. Everyone also needs to lighten up:  pull the stick out, laugh like you mean it and quit taking unnecessary meds for c**p you don't need to be so uptight over.

  4. If you believe what you are suggesting is your belief via the ''blah blah blahs'', then why are you even asking?

    Society, at its heart is about prolonging itself, and in the healthiest of forms, to grow healthy and to not degenerate.

    As such, values are formed and tested and then modified etc. The reasons for this I'll avoid boring you with ~ while curious enough to ask you Why it is you apparently 'Pretend' to like or care about any of it?  There has to be a payoff for you in this spelt out deformation of your character.

    As to whether 'pot ruins lives' and whether that matters?  

    If you run the spectrum of the argument, then we as a society can save a FORTUNE and and awful lot of trouble to society by simply closing all hospitals, care homes, pharmacies etc and allow all the staff to go off and do what they really want to do.

    Schools can shut as kids won't be able to be formally  educated as there would be no teachers.  Society and the technologies we rely upon would break down as a natural result of time, and there would be no one to replace those with the know how as we'd have not educated anyone anyway.

    In part the rest of my answer has to do with how you measure the uptightness you are questioning and just what it means to you.  But then, I'm not sure you'd care to answer any of it because you are probably too laid back and indifferent to any of it ~ maybe!

    On a BRIGHTER note, you are indifferent enough of society as to observe the ''correct'' formalities in your typing and the presenting (heading) of your question.

    Curious Sash.

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