
Does anyone think that the PM knows what he is doing, or that he has any credibility left?

by  |  earlier

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Now he's off to Saudi, telling them about producing oil!




  1. It doesn't look like it.

  2. Telling the Saudis about producing oil. Our Gordon is an expert on everything. Just look at this country. No he has no credibility left.

  3. Now he is looking to sell out our energy needs to foreigners as well.

    If you think electric is expensive aint seen nothing yet..

    I am 100% certain the guy don't have a clue as to what he is doing.

    His tax and spend policies have put Britain in a hole.

  4. Which PM are you talking about?

  5. Why don't we just have hydrogen cars for Christ sake. I'm no enviromentalist but it is much cheaper.

  6. Did he ever have any credibility in the first place?

  7. The trip to the middle east is all about image. (Gordon Browns image). Does he really think that he is a World Statesman in the eyes of the Saudis? They must see him as an EU puppet as he has just agreed to hand most of his power to Europe. The rest of the world will look at it as an Oliver Twist visit. What he will probably not talk about is the huge amount of addition tax revenue he is receiving from North Sea oil price increases. He hasn't even mentioned it here. Probably needs to keep it  for Northern Rock.

  8. ...well, someone voted for him...  someone thought he was a good catch, now what do you do...?  (fasten your seat belt, this is going to be an interesting ride)

  9. Without a doubt!He has not  got a clue a clue!Anyone can claim to be a good Chancellor when  world trading conditions are favourable!The test comes when there is a downturn in world trade!'Clueless' Gordon Brown has squandered our money!Left,right and centre instead of putting money away for a'rainy' day!Now the pensioner and oneparent family's have to bear the brunt of his incompetence!The man is an incompetent political cretin!Down with Brown!!

  10. he has got no idea about credibility, he is just a loser.

  11. His credibility has gone...and so should he be!

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