
Does anyone think that the UN is a colossal waste of money?

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Have they really done anything aside from empty talk? They are like the kid that sees 2 others fighting in the school yard and yells, in a nasally voice, "stop or I will tell teacher"; only to be shoved out of the way by the others watching the fight.




  1. Of course not unless you start naming it branches that does not serve right. Within some countries UN has made it as possible for citizens daily lifestyle.

  2. The United Nations is a corrupt useless organization that appeases to dictators and terroristic nations, yet hates America  and is anti-semitic.

    If America were smart they would cease their membership with this corrupt "food-for-oil" organization, and send these U.N. idiots relocating to Haiti, or Liberia, Iran, Venezuela or some other h**l hole.

    But America doesn't have the guts to put the U.N. where they belong.

  3. More like Millhouse and Martin Prince's lovechild being beaten up by Curney and son.

  4. at one time I am sure it was a good idea.   but they are so corrupt and  ran by pure politics.   I see no reason to continue down that road..

  5. Yes, it is. If we're going to set up an international organization that actually takes action against the world's problems, we should at least do it right. The way it is run is completely unorganized, the U.S. basically has to fund everything. In theory, it's not a bad idea, but we need a U.N. for the 21st Century.

  6. The UN is completely useless. They do not confront terrorism, they allow despots to torture their own people and don't lift a finger to stop genocide.

    I want the UN off American soil yesterday!

  7. Bob Hope, a right wing actor/comedian put it this way years ago about the UN during a time when there was a call for the USA to get out.

    I will paraphrase

    "There is no way to tell how many wars and conflicts the UN has been able to prevent, therefore, who in the h**l is crazy enough to find out by pulling out?"

    The UN, while nowhere near being perfect, is damned cheap insurance.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





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