
Does anyone think that the maturity level of teens has changed in this generation?

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I have talked to some people in real life and some say the maturity level has decreased since around 2001. What do you think?




  1. I don't think it's a maturity issue as much as an instinctive issue,

    with everything going on in todays society, teens seem to have an

    uncanny ability to see through the b******t that we didn't see through

    in our day, there not as gullible as we were, or that easily distracted,

    " some say the maturity level has decreased since around 2001 "

    i disagree, quite the contrary in fact, when you have to put up with

    what's going on today one has no choice but to grow up fast, and

    as anybody knows, growin up is a serious bussines, and they seem

    to be taking the initiative younger and younger these days, and that's

    anything but imature, in fact it's a little uncanny considering they never

    had the toys we had to keep us occupied, but then we never had the

    internet, did we now? . . .

  2. Judging by the posts on here you have to be absolutely correct!!

  3. It depends. I just entered 11th grade and there are times when my friends and I act like idiots. There are other times when we're srs bznz. Then again, every generation thinks that way about those after them.

    I've also noticed that kids are shorter and shorter these days.

  4. I think that does seem like the case, but I think they also look younger to. Maybe it is because we are getting older. I think the USA stresses that kids should be kids. I think that it is important to make our kids smart.  I'm 26 years old so I am sure my views will change atleast 100 more times in the following years.

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