
Does anyone think that this would work out?

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I have been planning on having a cookout for my 15th birthday on a saturday at a beach, but after looking online i found that all of th shelters on the beach are booked for my birthday and after my birthday, and the only day I can have it is a friday, and it would have to be after school, do you think that anyone would be able to come to a cookout right after school?




  1. Depends on how far the beach is from your school and whether you friends would need a ride to your party.  Friday is a great day to have a party.  It's a great way to start the weekend!

  2. Friday is probably a better idea anyway, as the beach won't be as crowded as it is on the weekend.  Before you book it, you should put a 'feeler' out to your friends....and make sure they would be up for it.  I am thinking they would all be cool with a Friday night at the beach!  :)

  3. Yeah probably! Friday is a very good day to have a party

  4. Friday would work out.  If you get started right after school, It would be over early, 7 or 8 pm.

    But if you really want it to be on Saturday, you could bring a rented canopy to the beach.  Check with wedding rental places or even funeral homes, which would be cheaper. (the funeral canopy has been done with success.)

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