
Does anyone think that women's liberation has gone and is going too far in the USA?

by Guest66921  |  earlier

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I mean divorce rates have boomed.

Men are made out to be monsters if we disagree with a woman and not listen to them.

And half of today's women dress like prostitutes.

It's just gone WAY too far in America!




  1. Sorry, not even a reversal of women's right would drag the women of America down to your level intellectually. I think we'd require lobotomies for that.

  2. No.

    A major reason for divorce is infidelity on the part of the male.  Surely feminism didn't drive him to it?

    Fashions this year are not at all prostitute-like, perhaps it's the street corners one frequents?

    "Men are made out to be monsters if we disagree with a woman and not listen to them."

    Sweeping generalizations about how 52% of the population behave can only ever be absurd.

  3. Yep...

    The goals of the "women's movement" nowadays is to fight for more special benefits, special treatments and a nanny government to care for women.

  4. Feminism is about equality-I don't see why feminists would want some US women to dress in a way you label inappropriate. Feminists respect women-why would they talk trash about them like you are?

    How do you know feminism has anything to do with divorce-a lot of factors go into rates of marriage and divorce and you offer no research of any kind-just a rant.

    Some men and women are monsters-but that's not feminists who are saying it-it's a fact the US is a violent culture and some Americans are violent criminals.

    You sound peeved that women are disagreeing with you-sounds like a personal problem.

  5. No, womens lib has not yet granted us equality with men, in terms of equal pay for equal work. Women are vastly underpaid compared to male counterparts.

    It takes two to make a marriage, just because women no longer have to put up with an abusive, tyrranical husband does not mean the divorce rate is all their fault.  Men are only monsters if they are stuck in the stone age and not willing to communicate, issuing orders and expecting to be "obeyed".

    And any woman anywhere should be allowed to wear exactly what she pleases, it is not up to anyone else to judge. "dressing like a prostitute" is subjective.  Muslims believe every woman in the western world dresses like a prostitute. Should we all go around with our head covered or wearing burkas?

  6. Yes that explains the drop in garden fertilizer prices.

  7. Maybe divorce rates are higher because women realized they don't have to be subservient to a man and miserable for the rest of their lives.  They can actually go out and make a life for themselves by themselves, not having to rely on a man to be the bread winner.  

    The higher divorce rate is actually the end result.  Why are the divorces happening in the first place is the bigger question.  

    Bottom line though, without all the feminist stuff, women or anyone should be allowed to do anything they want in this country and that includes dressing like prostitutes and also dealing with the consequences of dressing like prostitutes and not be subjected to people like you who feel that the deterioration of America is because women don't stay in their places.  As citizens of this country, our place is what we make it, male, female, black, white.

  8. None of the things you mention are the fault of "women's liberation."  You're imagining it all.

    What is your alternative?  Have you thought your prejudices through that far?  I thought not.

  9. no, i think we have a bit further to go, actually.

    i like how everything is blamed on feminism though. it sounds to me like the status quo is upset about not being the all-mighty power anymore.

  10. Women may have been liberated but no-one has taken on the work we left behind.

    We have been promoted but the old position still needs to be held.

    The divorce rate may be up because we do it ALL. and if we do it all then what's the point in having a husband around?

    It just one more person to keep happy, tidy up after and make food for.

  11. You can't compare divorce rates to women's liberation. The was divorce even before the feminist movement.

    I suggest you study some history here. There have been a number of times in our history as a country where divorce rates peaked.  A few of those times?  The 1890s, the 1920s and the 1940s just after WWII. Only thing was in those days, divorces were a part of state records, rather than local family court records like today. I learned that while studying genealogy.

    Also, these days divorce rates have actually gone down as compared to the 1970s and early 80s.

    It's people like you that have me firmly convinced that the women's liberation movement has NOT gone far enough, and that we are in grave danger of having what advances women have made reversed by people like yourself due to whatever selfish motive you have for doing so!

  12. Women haven't been liberated. They've been put to work. Eventually they will be drafted. Do so many people think being a working male in America has always been such a picnic? Welcome to the picnic! Now get to work and be ready to die defending the rich!

  13. And yet, people are shocked when they learn I'm going into AP Calculus because "girls can't do math," I'd get h**l if I decided to stop shaving my armpits (because everyone else has a vested interest in what I look like), and when I do eventually get a job I'll probably be paid less than a man.

    High divorce rates are unfortunate, but may just be indicative that people feel more comfortable ending bad relationships.

    Ignoring someone else is very disrespectful, but I've never seen anyone call a man a monster for disagreeing.

    As for what women are wearing, does it really matter? Would you prefer Victorian-era apparel? As long as her v***a and b***s are covered, not a big deal.

  14. YES!! it's coast to coast and border to border now.

  15. You are clearly a knuckle dragging moron with no grasp in reality or human relations.

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