
Does anyone think the Drinking age is United States should be changed from 21 to 18? why or why not?

by Guest10835  |  earlier

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Did u know Unites States,Paraguay,Indonesia,Oman,Pakistan,... Arab Emirates,Ukraine,Fiji,Kiribati are the only countries the drinking age is 21?




  1. Yes and No. As a 20 year old male, i feel that if i can serve my country i should be able to go to the pub and grab a brew. But then i look at it, this way.. It is much safer since they raised the drinking age from 18 to 21. The drunk related deaths have gone down, so i can see it both ways. And also in most states you can be charged at 15 or 16 and above, and you cant vote so should they be charged as adults?

  2. I quite frankly don't care either way.  I believe there are compelling arguments for both ages but people are going to drink regardless of the law and there's far more pressing matters to tie up congress with.

  3. Seeing how craven some adults gets, I would never lower the drinking age to 18, but i would raise the fighting age to 21

  4. NO.  In other countries, drinking is not viewed as an activity as much as in the US.  It is ingested as a compliment to a meal, etc.

    Being a person who has first hand seen the devastation of alcohol, I actually wish that alcohol was illegal and marijuana was legal.

    Alcohol is a killer whether to ones self or others, why start earlier??

    I would also like to clarify that I am a moderate drinker and so not on a soap box.  Think of all of the alcohol related deaths whether by drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, etc.  I have yet to hear of a weed related death.  

    Also, teen driving without drinking is very high in driving deaths.  Imagine throwing alcohol into the mix.

  5. yes, because your limiting an adult.  If 18 is still considered a minor, the voting age and eligibility for military service should also be raised to 21.

  6. I say no.  Just because you are considered an adult at 18 doesn't mean you are fully matured.  Science proves that you are still maturing over your life.  Your brain is still not fully matured at 18.  18 year olds still do stupid things.  I am not saying that people 21 or older don't but 18 year olds do more stupid things.  I think more people would die or be injured if 18 year olds were allowed to legally drink.  I hope this helped.  Thanks for telling me the other countries that also have the same drinking age.  I didn't know that they did.  So thanks again and I hoped this helped.

  7. That's why your country sucks haha.

  8. Having lived through our last experiment with that in the 1970s, it probably shouldn't be changed.  18 year olds were way too reckless all boozed up, and 16 yr olds were passing for 18 yr olds... it got really messy.  

  9. No.  I actually had an mock-debate in my Social Studies class.  Lucky for me I was on the side of not changing it and keeping it 21. Everyone says that if they changed it from 21 to 18 that it would stop kids from underage drinking, but I believe the opposite effect would happen.  I think that the drinking age causes kids to rebel in college and a lot only underage drink to rebel.  Therefore, if the drinking age was changed to 18 there would be chance kids would just start rebelling earlier on.  I know many kids are already drinking in highschool and as far down to junior highschool, but changing it to 18 could just make this worse.

  10. I think it should be brought down to 18 again because Americans would have less of a reason to rebel and drink illegally. I've always thought that drinking at a younger age matured you (if you're responsible) because the thrill of booze loses its luster quickly and you learn to enjoy and appreciate drinking and not getting drunk.

  11. I am 18 and I drink beer occasionally I dont give a f**k what the law says what I can or cant do I will do it anyways and so will others and I am not dissuaded by any fines or p***y jail they would send me if it was illegal for me in Florida to drink alcohol.Luckily it is legal to drink in my own house so its not an issue right now and how the f**k would they know if its in my house its near unenforceable if they made a law like that.

    I am not waiting till 21 to drink s***w that I drink when I am ready which was around 17 when I really started and I am a responsible drinker,I dont get drunk, and I dont get behind the wheel even if I have one drop of alcohol in me.And lately I have not been drinking I only drink when I am in the mood.

    The whole 18 year old is still developing is full of sh** I make my decision what I put into my body not someone else you can inform me what the risks and implications are but dont force me to go by your medical restriction or moral c**p.Your not my parents so strike one for you,by law I am labeled an adult so strike two, and I am no longer anyones responsibility I have to take care of myself which is strike three for you so your out of the ball game of logic and I made my points.

    18 is what drinking/buying age should be set and it should be left that way not tampered with 10 years later and raised to 21 again.Anyone under 18 needs parental approval since they are not adults by law and thats it nothing more.

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