
Does anyone think the Olympics is fixed?

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I know about the Taekwondo sorry I forgot to add that,

With regard to Doped, I was purely using sports with judges as an example. I'm very happy with where my country came, and on many occasions it was our fault we lost. I ask simple for a general consensus of opinion.




  1. There's a story coming out about influencing which judges can take part in the boxing so i can only imagine that it happens in other events.

  2. Check this out below.  Judges favour competitors dressed in red - means that the Chinese have a big advantage in sports that rely on subjective decisions made by judges!

  3. I didn't realise it was broken...

    Nope, I don't.

    The Judges reversed the Tae Kwon Do decision - and most people wouldn't realise this, but a couple of days ago a Chinese cyclist was relegated for shoving. All the falls in the Chinese gymnasts were included, you can go check the execution score yourself. You need to remove the difficulty from the overall score to see it.

    I don't watched legalised assault, so I wouldn't have a clue about the boxing.

  4. I don't think so i think its fair because on most games they have judges from different country's.

    Go team GB

  5. It only seems like it's fixed if your country didn't win.

    There's enough 'sour grapes' in the above answers to produce 100 caskets of 'whine'.  The US men and women's relay team dropped their baton at the third change...are you whinging Americans going to blame the Chinese for fixing that as well?

    If anything, the US deserve the gold medal for WHINGING the most about losing to the Jamaicans and Chinese.

    If the US team drugged up and cheated like they did the past few Olympics (Marion Jones and her pals), they might win a few more medals. LOL.  If history is any lesson, more US athletes have been stripped of medals because of CHEATING than most other nations (including Chinese or Jamaican) yet they continue to accuse other nations of cheating.  Funny ain't it.

  6. if you had seen the women's gymnastics match you could have seen how obvious it was.

  7. Absolutely

  8. Yes it is definately fixed towards the Chinese.

    Any sport that involves a judge is always gonna be open to corruption

  9. Yeah definitely but our time will come in 2012

    USA should have won the allround gold for the females anyway didnt really watch the mens.

    But the chinese swimmer that got disqualified was class

  10. The points system in the boxing was beyond belief and nobody is allowed to ask the judges to explain there decisions

  11. I Think that too was a publicity stunt too to tell the World that China plays Fair when they made it look like they werent Because like you said  in the Taekwondo (couldn't really despute the blatent evidence but a little obvious)  

  12. well there was an overturn in the Taekwondo, Sarah Stephenson was not judged on one point and after the British protested the points were added, so the winner of the bout eventually went out i believe. But there is the dodgiest system of scoring i have every seen in the boxing, and there was a member of the Boxing confederation on TV this morning saying they have received a complaint that basically the judges have been picked specially for their bias, at least that is how it came across. Whether they do anything about it is another matter. But the Chinese girl gymnasts did not look 16, not one, and that would make it unfair on all the other competitors.  

  13. The judges are NOT CHINESE and from your own d**n country!  

  14. I agree with Doped.

    No wonder either that the disqualification was fixed.

    One hour is sufficient time for editing the material. The film and the photos.

    I refer to the 200 meters track and field. What they did to a young Antillean man.

  15. No not at all. Judges come from all the countries of the world. They are also human and make mistakes sometimes, but I believe that they try their best. I often wonder how they do it because the rules of the various events can be very completed, such as in gymnastics, diving and equestrian. I applaud them for giving it a go, because without judges or umpires we wouldn't have any sport.  

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