
Does anyone think the holygrale could be in the bermuda <span title="tryangle??????????????????????????????????????????????">tryangle?????????????????...</span>

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  1. Is this for real or are you trying to be funny??

    For the info of those who continuously post questions about the Bermuda Triangle in the Bermuda section, please read:

    The Bermuda Triangle has little to do directly with Bermuda (the country). By some chance it has our name (Bermuda) but it could as well be called the Florida Triangle or the Puerto Rico Triangle as those are the other 2 points of it.

    Bermudians have little to almost no interest in the Bermuda Triangle in general. Most research done on it is out of Florida or other places in the Caribbean, and hardly out of Bermuda. Go to for the latest triangle info.

    Now, about your question...why or how would the Grail be in the Triangle? What is the Triangle? It&#039;s a body of about a million square miles of open ocean. If you can find anything in that than be our guest. Maybe you will find Amelia Earhart in there too. Peace and love!

  2. Hi.  Yes the Grail is in the Bermuda Triangle.  A griffin stole it from Mary Magdalene while she was doing dishes after the last supper.  The griffin buried it in Atlantis just before it sank in the aforementioned triangle.

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