
Does anyone think there are other dimensions?

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Can slips in and out of other dimensions occur,and explain sightings of strange creatures...?




  1. sure, whatever

  2. other dimensions yes big time i saw theres blue bird plains flying a round the city here in kelowna b.c. i here them to and i thought my wife saw them to but she couldnt see or hear them i told my mother and she said that i could see in other dimenions she more gifted themn me but i dought my self to much but i know i have some gifts.

  3. I think so. It's funny because I'm not a religious person and I'm not even sure if there's a god but I do believe in other dimensions! The reason why I say that is because I've had many out of body experiences (via astral projections). None voluntarily.. they all happened to me out of the blue. When it first happened, I had no idea what this was. I just thought I was sleep walking or something very strange.

    I could walk around another dimension of earth.. it looked almost the same but I could walk through walls and I saw things (creatures) that obviously don't exist normally. Very strange. I know some of you think I'm nuts! I've had random experiences over the years, every few months or so.

  4. What do you mean by "can"?  Yes, I know, funny question to ask. But what I mean to ask is if you're inquiring whether it is scientifically possible or if it is merely within the realm of conjecture.

    If the latter, then yes. One can propose endless conjecture about any phenomenon, limited only by the imagination.  (Whether that conjecture has any bearing on the reality or whether it meshes with current scientific knowledge are  different questions altogether.)

    But if the former, then no, our scientific knowledge doesn't tell us this is possible. It doesn't tell us it is impossible, but then, science by its very method has nothing to say pro or con about untestable supernatural things anyway. Physical dimensions beyond the 3 we know and love are not confirmed in physics, though present theories suggest that space-time (not space) is curved. And then there is string theory, but there the extra dimensions are not physical dimensions in the same sense as the 3 we know, and string theory is still only very tentative.

    If we want to explain sighting of apparently strange creatures, the rational approach is to use Occam's Razor and work on eliminating the most plausible theories first. There are many plausible, natural explanations for such sightings. The idea of multidimensional creatures perhaps is one of the most implausible ideas offered, and not being testable by science, can only remain a fanciful conjecture and really nothing more.

  5. I really love this section.  Thanks for giving me something to think about.  I think the answer would be yes, only because there are so many unexplained things that happen in our world, maybe this could be a reason for some of them.  I have thought about this before in respect to time travel, but now want to do some research, lol.  

    Oh yeah and Math answerer, it is possible to snow ski through a revolving door if you wear kids skis and dust snow on the ground.  just don't use too much, or the door will get stuck.

  6. i think that people live in three dimensions :they lived the past,are living now and in the third dimension they live the future,but i dont think that creatures that lived in the past can appear in the time that we are living,it is very impossible for me to accept this,but if you see something strange in your life and to you  seems that you have seen this before its cause when you have lived your life in the passed dimension you have seen this person or this action,and i think that our dreams or our prediction that comes true is because in the future dimension that we are living this thing or that action has really happend,so i understand that this explation is difficult to understand but i really belive this (this is the teory of NICE the philosopher)bye

  7. Well, having studied mathematics extensivly in college, I can tell you that the term dimensions is grossly misused.

    If you mean is there a parallel world that is invisible to our senses, but we can experience, then yes.

    And creatures from this world can explain a very large amount of sightings which occur.

    I have seen 2 angels. One was very large and did not look humanoid at all. Another (humanoid) explained to me that that was a seriphim and he told me he was an arche angel.

    The large one was covered with light and had 4 legs.

  8. I highly recommend you read the book Flatland, by E.A. Abbott. Also search dimensional evolution theories on google.

  9. Not sure about creatures coming from other dimensions, but based on String Theory there are around 7 or so additional dimensions other than the four we know of.  You might want to check it out...I find it fascinating.

  10. the 4th dimension is time, and through its use things appear and disappear to us (some time,)

    there is no need of any 5th or more dimension.

    time is enough .

    take example if you are able to move with speed, which can't be catch be eye,

    when ever you stop moving for ppl . around you , it will appear like you have just become visible. and say like wise if you suddenly move with great spead , ppl. will think you are disappeard.

    e=mc^2, you can move and do a lot of things before any other person know about it.

    so the 4th and last dimension is time.

    and that's it.

    seeing the other creatures also happen , due to decrease in their movement speed.

  11. Quantum physics is telling us that the universe is made with wither 10 or 21 dimensions.

  12. scientifically speaking, most scientists believe in extra dimensions.

    paranormally speaking, most paranormalists believe in alternit dimension realities.  so do paranoids

    do these two have a crossing somewhere that would explain certain events?  methinks yes.

  13. Why not?

    For all of mans history and technology we are just at the beginning of discovery. Technology doubles every few months. Who knows what we will find in the future.

  14. Good question because I'm trying to find out as well.

  15. Meridianhawk42 is right. Physicist in this area of studying believe that there are 11 dimensions. 3 dimension of spatial space, time (according to Einstein), and 7 more.

    Slips in and out? Well, I would want to talk to a physicist about that. I suppose anything is possible except snow skiing through a revolvling  door, but the other 7 dimensions only exist at the atomic level.

  16. A dimension is sort of like a direction. No, not exactly, but the point is that it is not a parallel universe or world. This just needs to be understood first.

    The traditional three are length, width, and depth (height). Time is often called the fourth dimension. Many people believe that these are the only possible dimensions because we can't see the others. But there's a good reason for that.

    Imagine, hypothetically, that there were some 2-D people living on your table. They live in a completely 2-D world, and they can only see things in 2 dimensions. But if you put something on the table, they can see it- but only the part that is touching it. They can only see what intersects with their little reality. Take it up a level and you find us. Most people live in 3-D, but like the 2-D people, if there are more dimensions, we can't see in that direction. We can only see what intersects with our little slab of reality.

    I know that there are more dimensions than three (many. many more). At least one scientific theory calls for multiple dimensions. Mathematics has even described a multi-dimensional shape. I don't see why there should be only three dimensions.

    So a "slip" would really be something able to move in one of these dimensions that either intersects or enters our 3-D world.

  17. there is this physical dimension that we are in... then there is a spiritual dimension with beings that are good or evil...

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