
Does anyone think they have ESP/freakishly good intuition?

by Guest55796  |  earlier

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I've always been able to predict things.

And I know about people's feelings before they tell me.

There's also a lot of other weird stuff that's hard to explain.

So, does anyone out there experience the same sort of stuff, or am I just a really good guesser?

Thank you!




  1. What kind of things do you think you're predicting?  Everyone can predict a whole lot of things based on their normal experience.  It doesn't mean anything.

    And you can read a lot of people's emotions just from their body language.  Again, it doesn't mean you have a special ability that's never been shown to exist.

    But if you'd like to prove me wrong, this guy will give you a million bucks for that sort of thing.

  2. I can answer YES to your question...... I was driving the family across hilly, winding countryside on an 80km (50mph) hour road. As I approached one of many bends in the road, I had a VERY strong and unusual urge to stop the car, for no apparant reason.....So I slowed down to little more than walking pace. Upon rounding the bend, we were confronted by a large number of people filling the road in front of me. They had exited a large foreign tour coach, which had taken a wrong turn, the driver thinking that they were on a side road and not realising that he and his passengers were in such danger......

  3. I believe we all have this to a certain extent.  Some of us are more tuned in to it than others.  I feel more intuned when I am meditating daily.  

    Some things you can just guess, but other things are brought to our attention by a higher power...  Listen to your inner voice!!

  4. I'm an empath as well (being able to feel people's emotions, it's call empathy, or clairsentience). I'm an emotional sponge, I tend to soak it up, am very sensitive to other people's emotions. I also have a knack for knowing what will happen and what won't, but mostly that stuffs on the small scale and usually only pertains to my life and the lives of the people I'm close to (IOW, I'm not prophetic, but I have a teensy gift of knowledge). I've recently discovered I'm very good at reading people through their pictures. As to whether or not you're just a really good guesser.... I'd have to talk to you more to really know, but if you are gifted, eventually you'll come to a point where you just know that you are.

  5. Yes it is called empathy and it works quite well on strangers alike,

    The other thing is you will notice when you have a hundred thoughts and two prove to come true, you will notice those and forget the ones that come wrong.

    It is just the human way. We notice trends once we have our attention brought to it. If your neighbor buys a white stationwagon, you will soon start seeing white stationwagons everywhere and think something weird is going on.

    It is all common human stuff.

    If you want to feel that you have ESP, then you must be tested by a legitimate test company.

  6. I am sure lots of people think they do.

    They don't.

    I'm guessing the people who's feelings you can "predict" are people you know closely. Or they are shallow people.

    ESP is not the same thing as intuition.

    I can predict what my bf is going to say or do or how he is feeling. Do I have ESP? No. I just really know him.

  7. Yes. And I don't know if I just get things that others don't pick up on.  Or  I may just be psychic.  That is what we would all like to know.  I know I am a real good judge of who people are,  good or bad, evil, and of coarse stupid is easy.  I really hate dealing with stoners, it's like nobody's home, like the soul has been sucked out of them.  But some times I get things  way before they happen and how do you explain that,  it's just to off the wall. Compared to other psychics I know I'm not very good.  I think everyone's brain is wired up a little different, some are poets, some paint, some dance and some are psychic.

  8. People used to insinuate that I was...or they thought I did..which made it really bad for me. Someone told me "You know more than you think you know"...but I didn't. When people think you're psychic they think you know what 's going on and what they're thinking. It's better if you are and just never let anyone else know. Also, I worked with the handicapped and I had to try to understand what they needed because a lot of them couldn't talk.. That can give you a REAL BIG HEADACHE !!! I might have had a little esp with them...I seemed to be drawn to them at times when maybe they needed help. I don't think it's good mentally to be a psychic or have esp.  The human mind can only handle so much. There's too much about it we don't understand. And believe me...there is so much spiritual jealousy in the world. It's easy to make a lot of enemies if you have what they think is a "gift" and they don't have it. I wonder what happens when a lot of psychics get together. Maybe that would be a good question.

  9. You're just a really good guesser.  You also, whether you know it or not, are being selective in your hits and misses.  Confirmation bias makes you remember the times you were right and forget the times you were wrong.  It's like when you look at the clock at 11:11.  It seems like it always happens, right?  Well you look at the clock a bunch of times each day.  However, you only remember the "significant" numbers.

    Test yourself.  Keep a log of every prediction you have.  If you keep it honestly I bet after a while you'll see you're really not that good of a guesser, unless you're just making guesses that are likely to come true.

    I guessed at the beginning of the baseball season the Kansas City Royals wouldn't make it to the World Series.  Does that make me psychic?

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