
Does anyone think they know how to describe colour to a blind person??

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I truely believe that you cannot describe colour to a blind person and I would like to hear from people who believe they can....




  1. It's pretty impossible unless you go by emotions. Pure/Innocence/Prestine=White

    Intense anger/love/passion=Red

    Cool/calm with high self confidence/outside on a cool calm night=blue

    Strength/defiance/determined to succeed against the odds=black

    Don't describe with what you see. Use how the colors make you feel.

    Green=Life (trees, flowers, a walk through the forest, the smells of nature)

    Tkae a moment a try it for yourself. It's very relaxing. Your eyes see so many negative things. Close your eyes and think positive. It's not as hard as you think.

    Scientifically colors have a singnature texture. The molecules are aligned a certain way to reflect that color. But that takes years to master. As does learning the texture of different denomonations of paper money.

  2. i don't think you can

  3. You Can't Describe colour mentally impossible some things only the eye can see you cant say red looks like a tomato bcoz they dont know wat colour is all they see is darkness or blur and describing it like soft is stupid, colour isnt soft (soft is a feel) and many things can look soft. you would just confuse them and they could get an awful headache so don't try!

  4. watch the movie mask with cher in it the boy shows this blind girl color

    cold ice- blue

    somthing kinda hot- red

    cotton- white


  5. I think it's kind of possible! You can describe the colors comparing them with feelings and textures:

    For example, you can decscribe pink as soft, sweet.  And red as loud and hot, etc.

  6. You have to describe it with the other senses.  Something soft like a cotton ball would represent white.  Something hot would represent red.  Happiness could represent yellow.  Floral scents could represent pink or lavender.  The sound of rain or the sound of the ocean could describe blue and aquas.  You have to associate it with temperature and smell. I still think it would be hard for them to comprehend it they were always blind but it might help them a little.

  7. i have thought about that before, i think its impossible because u can't describe color without knowing what colors look like in the first place.

  8. was he/she  borne blind??

    if no it's very difficult!!!

  9. Describe them as feelings.

    Hot= Red.



    Cool=Light blue.





    And so on. Whatever FEELINGS you get from colors, use that.

    And that's what color is to me.

    Colors create feelings. That's why black and white pictures seem more simple. ;]

    I could talk for hours. Haha.

    Oh yes nurse...! That was a movie, (where i got my answer from) it's...I think it's called The Mask. With that kid who had the big strange head. God that was sad.

  10. cant remeber what the story was on tv, but they were describing things and colors to someone blind, they used cotton for clouds, ice for the color blue, heat for the color red, etc... its to get them to be able to understand how a color FEELS as opposed to what a color is, and for some reason that person sort of understood...again cant remember the story but it was beautiful

  11. wow..fun_budd gave a really good answer! lol jk. um..i think i would just try to describe it as a feeling. like yellow to go with happy. and red is mad. stuff like that.

  12. i don't know but you have me thinking really hard.  I'll monitor this question.

  13. Just describe as clearly as you can.

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