
Does anyone think this is a funny concidence?

by Guest65797  |  earlier

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For some reason the moon is well known thing in my life lol. My name's Selena which means "the Moon" in latin, which my friend just recently pointed that out to me. & when I was a really young little girl I read this book called "The Little White Horse" -which is a book talking about this girl who is one of the moonprincesses of this castle or adventure & everything. That was my favorite book as a little girl, I got my mother to read it to me -since I couldn't understand it much since I was stil too young, but I still loved it. Also before I read that book I decided that I thought the moon was a little more beautiful than the sun, although I did love sunsets & everything of course. But I thought it was more pretty since it glowed in the darkiness & it had a sort of mystery to it haha. My birthstone has something to do with the moon too, -I just sort of forgot lmao. soo does anyone think this a funny concidence too? or just a random thing that happens. xx




  1. Maybe that's why your mother called you Selena as she was into the moon too.

    Selena is Greek for moon, by the way, not Latin, which is luna and where our words lunar (and lunatic) come from.

    A nice thought for you to keep, anyway; life is full of strange coincidences.

  2. You know what? As we go through life we find that there is

    so many coincidences that's hard to believe....and I do not

    know if there is an answer as to why these things happen,

    so co-incidentally, and if there is something to it all or not.

    My initials growing up were DAC. I met this guy not too

    long ago, who has these letters tattooed on him, DAC

    I asked him what that stood for, he says his initials. Okay,

    now heres where it really gets weird. His name was Dan.

    He was exactly 3 years older than me, and our b-days are

    only about a week apart, same month. My two kids names

    are danielle and anthony, and they are 3 yrs. apart, but born

    on the same day. Now this guy says to me, his full name is

    Daniel Anthony C. I tell him that.s my kids names...and it

    turned out he was exactly 30 years older than my girl, and I

    am exactly 30 yrs. older than my boy! Okay, then he asked me

    for my address, and I said 116 ------ st. He said no way, that his

    storage number is 116! And, there is 3 yrs. difference with my son

    and daughter, and there was 3 yrs. difference btwn me and Dan!

    Kinda crazy~but u see, these things happen~ and I can not

    figure out if there is something more 2 it, or not!

    (sorry bout this being so long, but i had 2 tell you!)


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