
Does anyone understand why a dvd player freezes and stops working?

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I have a dvd recorder/player (combi) and for some reason every now and then it freezes and no matter what button I press, nothing works. I can't even switch it off, the only way to get it working again is by switching it off from the wall. Then I switch it back on again. Also I have had dvd discs get damaged. I record a disc and after freezing it wipes it and becomes empty and then I can't re record on it. I've thrown so many out. Has anyone ever had similar experience? I would really appreciate it if others had the same experience as I have asked technitions etc and they seem to think it is odd??




  1. Hi bridget,

    I would suggest you clean the laser lens.

    Unplug the unit and with a flashlight look in the DVD door and look for the laser lens. It is a round piece of glass about 3/8" in diameter.

    Once you locate it take a cotton swab and dip it in rubbing alcohol. You may need to tape the swab to a pencil ot a piece of coat hanger for a longer reach.

    Wipe the lens with the swab and wait about five minutes to make sure any residue of alcohol has evaporated.

    Plug in the unit and try it. I have resurrected many a DVD player with that method. It works on CD players too.


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