
Does anyone use Proactiv?

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I started it about 2 weeks ago and hasn't really done much. I was just wondering other peoples results...Thanks!




  1. I've never used it personally-and never will-but my brother did and nothing ever happened for him.

    And the thing with proactiv is it's like a drug, as soon as you stop using it, BAM, your skin breaks out like 324124 times worse. My advice---unless you plan on using it for the rest of your life and never skipping a day, stop using it, and have another product lined up for when the breakouts come back.

  2. i agree! its crappp

  3. i sued it and it didn't do a dang thing for me, the thing that works best is acutane, it's a pill that you take once a day. unfortunately it's a prescription drug and you must see a dermatoligist to get it

  4. Ive been using proactiv for about a month =3

    i didnt have really bad acne, but i did sometimes get a lot of pimples. lol in about three weeks i  had no pimples but my skin was super dry and i had to use a different moisturiser with it.

    It works better if you dont wear makeup. I will still get a few pimples if im wearing makeup =/

    They say to try it for 3 months to see if it really works for you.

    it needs time for your skin to kind of get used to it (: so just stick to the routine

    Good luck!

  5. that made my sister breakout horrible

  6. proactive didn't do anything for me. It just made my acne worse. but it did even out the color of my scars to my skin tone color.

    Now i use premier products

    they have salts from the dead sea and it works great. I have no pimples just scars and little minor bumps.  

  7. my wife. first two weeks she used it her face started to get more outbreaks. week three is when it started to clear up. towards the week of end four is when the real difference was noticed. it works for her.  

  8. it cleared my face but it made skin red and itchy.

    and my eyes puffy.



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