
Does anyone use Sprint?

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which phone?

and how do you like it?

verizon is really s******g with me and i'm considering moving.




  1. I heard the Instinct is an awesome phone.

    Whats your beef with VZW? There are many ins and outs at Verizon, they try and retain customers. PM me and I'll try and help out.

  2. they have this simply everything plan for $99... if you really talk a lot and do texting and do the net most of the's actually good...

    and yeah! I so agree, the Instinct is great! a bit too pricey for me though.. I have to save up for it..

  3. i herd that sprint SUCKSS

  4. actually i have sprint and im thinking to move to verizon. well personally its okay. the great plus is that minuets are free at 7. i have the upstage. pretty nice phone. although you get tired of it. flipping back and forth. unlimited txting for me costs 20 dollars a month, which i found a rip off. that was 2 yrs ago on november. things might have changed. but if your looking for a good discount and if you do plan on talking on your phone alot then i say go for it. the phones are okay, not much of a selection if you like nice phones. and service is okay. not great. i rarley see full bars. but thats cause i live in orange county. best coverage is LA. wen ever im in la its perfect.  

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