
Does anyone use the 30 second rule?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes when i drop food i still follow the 30 second rule depending on whether the food is moist or dry and what surface i drop the food onto, if its clean or dirty. some people call me gross and others will race me for a dropped lolly. so what I'm asking is do you use the 30 second rule and how far is too far in regards to where the food is dropped?




  1. Here's the rule I go by:  If it hits the ground, it's in the trash.

  2. The Mythbusters did a segment on this subject and they showed it doesn't matter how long it is on the ground. Any bacteria or anything that is going to get on it would be there if you had it there half a second, but in answer your question yes I use the 30 second rule.

  3. When I was younger it was the 3 second rule. Then the 10, then the 30 and now that I am over 40, it is the "if the dog didn't l**k it too much rule".

    You aren't going to die from something that fell on the floor, even if the floor is dirty.

  4. no.. not even the 5 second rule!  i watched a program and did a study!  as soon the Milla second it touches the ground it gets bacteria on it!  so weather it's 5 seconds or 1 minute your eating the same c**p!

    But it's a good way to build up your tolerance!

    Just like boogar eaters!  Gross yes  but little doses of bacteria helps you grow immunity

  5. I can't help but noticing that many of the posters seem to labor under the misconception that food does not already have bacteria on it even BEFORE you drop it. I say if you drop it and it doesn't gross you out, pick it up and go for it.

  6. 30 second rule is in play at our house, unless it drops on a bathroom floor or into a pile of dog hair. Even if its falls outside, say in grass, if nothing is stuck to it, eat away!

  7. I'm sure there are all kinds of studies saying that bacteria and germs get on the food as soon as it hits the ground...  


    I've been accustomed to the 30-sec rule since I've been alive, and I've turned out  fine.  Sometimes Americans can be such germ free freaks!  Where in a 3rd world country, they would eat the leftovers from our garbage cans.  

    As long as the food didn't fall on something dirty, sticky or liquid.  But I have to say, lollipops are an exception....if a lolly falls, for me, I don't pick it back up.  Too sticky

  8. I've never heard of the 30 second rule.  If it is a minor thing just rinse it off and keep going.  If you are serving food to the public, throw it out and start again.

  9. I just use the "if nobody saw me drop it" rule

  10. Whoooooaa! 30 second rule!?! More like the 3-5 second rule.........I agrre w\ the if nobody saw me drop it rule lol good one

  11. i know they did where i used to work.


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