
Does anyone wake up with pins and needles ?

by  |  earlier

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I regularily wake up with pins and needles in my hands, I just have to move them around and push the blood from my forearms back up to my hands, does anyone else get this ?

Is it caused by the position I am layed in i.e. hands above my heart or is there something more serious to it ?

My blood pressure is fine.




  1. This has very little to do with blood circulation. If you truly had loss of circulation your arms would be completely numb, blue and very cold to the touch. Your nerves are more to blame.

    Nerves are like tiny threads or wires that run through your whole body, and they carry messages back and forth between your brain and body.

    Often, when sleeping on your side, you temporarily compress, or squash, the nerves in that area. These nerves can't send messages back to the brain normally, and so for the moment, the connection is cut off and you don't feel anything.

    After you get up and the nerves are no longer compressed, the feeling in your arms soon comes back. It might feel a bit tingly as this happens, like pins and needles or even a bit painful. But it only lasts a few seconds as the connection returns to normal, and it won't hurt your body.

    You might try sleeping on a thick mattress pad (or less firm mattress), which will reduce compression in that area. If that doesn't work, certainly talk to your doctor about making sure that there isn't some anatomical quirk that leads to easily pinched nerves.

  2. I sometimes wake up like this.I dont think its nothing to worry about though.Probaly just the way you sleep.But if its really getting to you go and see your doctor :)

  3. i get that also but only if i sleep certain ways .

  4. This can happen from you sleeping on a limb the wrong way.

    Or, it is possible that you have circulation issues.  

    If this happens more than once or twice a week, you should definitely talk to your doctor about it.  An artery in your arm might be blocked, or there are a number of other possibilities.

  5. yeah its normal, it happens to me 2 depends wich position you sleep if you sleep on your arm then it'll stop the circulation going through your arm

  6. i think its when the blood is all rushed to one side and stayin like that for a while i.e sleeping.

    i just jiggle my hand for 20 secs n it goes away

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