
Does anyone want a ferret?

by  |  earlier

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im in CT and i can't give my ferret the attention he needs anymore and he's the only one so he doesn't have another ferret to play with. Please contact me. A.S.A.P




  1. You should check with your local humane society..they will often take in animals other than just cats and dogs.

    If you want to give it to a person  interview them and ask lots of questions.

    be careful  who adopts your ferret ..ive heard horror stories about them being used as hunting training for dogs  and fed to other animals...its a horrible way  to die.

  2. Please be careful who you give your ferret to. Make sure they have other ferrets, bring your ferret to their house and check it out before you drop him off forever. Some people do adopt ferrets just to feed to snakes or give to dogs (not kidding).

    Also - if you contact me, I can put an ad up on the FML for you, which is a nationwide mailing list with ferret owners on it, to get the word out you are looking for a home.

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