
Does anyone want to know how to cure AIDS and cancer?

by Guest63681  |  earlier

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There's an alternative treatment to curing AIDS and cancer that the medical industry doesn't want people to know. I have several testimonials of people who tried it and are AIDS and cancer free.




  1. They aren't---the AIDS went into a remission but the HIV virus is still present.  A German scientific team at the Max Planck institute in Germany has found a possible cure--a real cure.  Has something to do with an enzyme.  All other treatments out there, alternative or conventional medicine do not cure AIDS--all they do is reverse the course from full blown AIDS to HIV infection.  What needs to be done is get rid of the HIV virus--that is the cure.

    As far as cancer goes do I know already that there are alternative supplements out there that actually help---I take em since a year and I am in excellent health---however, success is not guaranteed with them.....just like it cannot be guaranteed with chemno, radiation, and surgery.....

  2. Gee...I wonder what the odds are of some random stranger on the internet being able to solve a problem that has eluded the worlds elite infectious disease and immunology experts for 20 years?  Probably similar to the odds of there being any active chemical in a 30C homeopathic potion.

    and OMG !! even have "several" testimonials.  Fantastic!!!   It's always a good idea to back up extraordinary claims with some good solid evidence.  You might also want to get a character reference from your mom or your Principal just to solidify your case when you present this to the world.  Surely you don't plan to just keep this important information to yourself and a few people on Y!A ?

    It's true, us doctors just want to get rich off sick people, the sicker they are and the longer they're sick the better.  We aren't interested in curing them.  You caught us fair and square on that, why just last night I was at a meeting and shhhh...we're going to create some more diseases just to keep ourselves in business.  

    Yes...the internet is full of geniuses.  People who can cure aids and cancer, can run cars on water, have perfected the perpetual motion machine, and have the evidence that Jews and the US government were really behind 9-11.  

    <sound of banging one's head against the wall>


    EDIT.  Tell you what...if you really believe that you have "the cure" that has eluded medical science, why don't you and James S get yourselves deliberately infected with HIV and then heal yourselves...that would really prove us dumb scientists wrong.

  3. Yeah, sure. And this whole time this simple and effective cure has stayed underwraps because of the evil government/Big Pharma conspiracy. What would the world be without people like you to bring everyone the good news. And because a patient said it works, it must be true! Patients are ALWAYS right!

    If youre going to solicit people for garbage treatments, at least make sure you dont sway people from their regular therapy. people get desperate with conditions like that and may beleive you, and that could be deadly.

  4. I'm guess rife machines or ozone/peroxide or colloidal silver.

    I know there are ways for each of those to basically do what you're saying.

    Which one was it?

  5. Yes. I would like to know. I already know a way - but to learn more is always good.

    Thanks in advance!

  6. Cecej

    Yes tell me I am interested.And IF

    What you are talking is really true then why don't you approach the Guv and make a good amount of fortune and a lot of dollars.

  7. What kind of a question is this?

    If your talking about Rife Technology or Gerson Therapy, then i already know of  this.

    'They hate the word 'cure', like the devil hates holy water'

    Dr. Royal R. Rife

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