
Does anyone want to play with me in Team Doubles(Halo 3)?

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I am a Colonel Grade 2 with a highest skill of 41 in lone wolves. I am a 32 in team doubles and i want anyone who has a highest skill of at least 40. I would also appreciate if anyone can boost me to a 45 in doubles




  1. Yup! The name is Suh muh nuh.Weird i know but ehh im good!!!

  2. iam a genrial i'am a 47 in Dt  i will play if i get the best answer my gamertag is wombat 54321

  3. my gt is: Kuhl De 1337

    I just started college and my 360 is not with me right now, but I should be getting it in a couple of weeks. Send me a message. Im 48 in Slayer and 45 in Double team

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