
Does anyone want to........?

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talk about someone other than Jr or Kyle?

.....I DO........

Okay finish this sentence....

Jimmie Johnson is.........................................

(thanks for the idea bestanswer..sorry i stole it from ya I just wanted to get on another topic =:)




  1. Yes. J.J. is plain vanilla. J.J. is an excellent driver. J.J. "owns" Charlotte.

  2. the Lowes guy!

  3. ...not doing as well as he had hoped/expected to do this year.

    Good idea Rack!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  4. Jimmie Johnson is the greatest active driver today and has been since are some highlights!!!

    ..won the pole for his very first Daytona 500!!!

    ..since 2002,Jimmie has:

    -2 championships(back-to-back!!2006,2007)

    -34 wins

    -90 top 5's

    -141 top 10's

    -19 poles

    -2 All-Star Challenges(2003,2006)

    -Bud Shootout(2005)

    -Daytona 500(2006)

    -Brickyard 400(2006)

    further notes:

    -has posted a top 5 finish at every track on the NASCAR circuit

    -has an average finishing position(points) 0f 2.67

    -has two runner-up finishes in the final standings(2003,2004)

    -has never finished worse than 5th in the final standings(2002=5th,2005=5th)

    -has a winning percentage of 14.5(better than any active driver,Gordon is 2nd with 10.26)

    -is good at every type of track

    -has more Chase wins than any other driver

  5. No problem..

    I think he is......

    One of the best drivers in NASCAR, but maybe not getting the best stuff this season.

  6. a cry baby when he doesnt win

  7. exactly, jimmie johnson is.......

    thats all i gotta say, dont like him, but dont wanna get my @ss beat down by all his

    Go Kasey Go!!

    # 9 all the way baaaby!!

  8. the back to back champ and going for 3 straight in 2008!!!

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  9. HA HA Superdave, that commercial make me laugh every time!

    .......Is a better driver than an actor.

  10. Jimmy Johnson is underachieving.

  11. Yes Please

    Now for the Jimmie thing

    Like Matty Kenseth

  12. getting back to his old form now finally. Thank goodness!

  13. I do!!

    Jimmie Johnson is a headbanger! (seriously, I heard him get interviewed, he said his favorite band was Metallica)

    *that's why it stuck with me, he didn't look the type to me either*

  14. not "da man"   at Hendricks any longer, but hanging in there..

    thanks for this Rack  :0)

  15. in need of a haircut lately.

    Hey - you guys picked on Tony.....

  16. Jimmie Johnson is welding Chad!

  17. Jimmie Johnson is...

    also a driver for Hendrick Motorsports

    (I see we didn't stray far from the subject)

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