
Does anyone want to try remote viewing?

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I gave this a try one time in another forum and got some interesting results. I will assign random numbers to an specific thing/place/object and have people 'remote view' this thing/place/object. I will not provide coordinates.

Here is the randomly assigned no: 382159




  1. A giant Ronald McDonald statue resting in the Cydonia Plain on Mars.

    Now try getting that one to fit the picture you have selected. The process is unscientific because you don't have pre-selected success criteria. Remote viewing results are usually the result of the "Texas Sharpshooter(*)" logical fallacy.

    (*)You fire a pistol at the side of a barn, then draw the target around the bullet holes so that it looks like you hit the bullseye.

  2. So how does the number relate to the thing that we are supposed to be remote viewing?


    Okay I don't understand - but I guess the Statue of Liberty.

  3. I'm guessing... a keyboard! That has numbers on it, right? Or wait, maybe it's a combination lock!

    Seriously, I haven't tried this before, so I'm fairly sure I'll be wrong, but here goes the serious tries based on only a chapter of reading in one of the remote viewing manuals. As I progress, I might wanna try some more, see if I can actually get it to work.

    I get... round. Star. Points or dots in the middle, perhaps like the nuts on a car tire or something. Maybe an indentation on that one. Tall. Straight. Flower? Back to the star, it has 6 points. "Silence is golden." Spanner (wrench)... crescent? Cold.

    It's a can of beer! (just kidding)

    That's about all I got before I got distracted by my lady demanding that I go to bed... I'll try more later! I already know I'm nowhere near the object, as the vague impressions made no sense to me at all, and it felt like a colossal waste of time.

    And, to bed I go!

  4. How are you going to judge if someone got it right?  Would you accept 'I see water' for a fish bowl, a boat, a picture of the beach, the sink, or a bottle of beer?  Would you accept 'I see a book' for any book, a notebook, a desk calendar, a phonebook?

    The best way to do this kind of thing is to make the answer self-evident, and you can only do that by having something absolutely specific - like the particular card from a deck of cards, or a particular number.  And if people could do that, they'd be winning the lottery.

    EDIT:  If it's obvious what it is, why are you using this as a test of remote viewing?  Or do you mean to any remote viewer it should be obvious?  Sorry, that's not how it works.  The viewer makes vague guesses, you tell them the right answer, and then they try to match up their vague guesses to make it look like they won.

  5. Whatever it is, it's not lost and I find lost things. I don't RV just to tell someone I know they have no clothes on. ;) That's not how mine works. Normally, the item has to be lost to the person.

    Did you stick the number on the object? Like on a white piece of paper? Or are you just thinking the number towards us?

    I am up for giving it a shot anyways.

    I see a dark coat on a hanger...or hanging on one of those coat stands by the front door next to an end table and the coat is really dark the coats they wear in London. I also see a wooden banister going up to the second floor. It's a really pretty coat.

    It's only 60 degrees out here....maybe I'm just cold. :)

  6. I can't do this....but last week someone lost their billfold and I thought I saw a billfold folded over...but it was brown and his was black. Anyway...he found it beside his brother's bed.We were looking in the beds because I said it was folded over..but hadn't looked in or near that bed...but that's where it was. If my clue was anything at all...I think it was to tell us to look in places where it might be folded the couch or chair or bed. It wasn't IN the bed...but if we had gone to look IN the bed we would have found it beside the bed...near the top.Does that make any sense? I know that's not remote viewing and I don't have a clue why I saw that brown billfold folded over my head. I think only the ones in Australia should do this tonight...cause it's not 5 AM there! My head is almost asleep. Thanks for trying this though.I think it will take more than this one try though for anyone to get it right.  

  7. I do,here I go.Needles,California specifically by water.

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