
Does anyone what ColdPlay talking about?

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in the song ViVa La Vida




  1. Its a song about the crusades during medieval times

  2. the crusades.

    p.s I <3333333333333 Kane

  3. The song is basically a story about a few lads that grew up listening to the Joshua Tree over and over and over until one of them finally said to the others... "Hey, I am tired of listening to "Where the Streets have no Name", can I play this CD that I just heard? Someone else said "Sure, we don't really listen to anything but U2, but OK just this once. Still another asked the name of this new CD and the name of this new band... and so he spoke up and said "It is called The Bends and the band is called RADIOHEAD". This group of kids sat in wonderment at the sounds of Fake Plastic Trees, and Street Spirit (fade out) and they praised this new sound.... and they spoke out-loud their sadness that the name RADIOHEAD had been taken... and then it came to the singer, to this falsetto, Chris Martin, it was simple... "Let's take two words that stand alone and yet can be pushed together to create a band name... we shouldn't use RADIO, or HEAD, but we can use COLD and PLAY... And so there it was a new band was born... "We shall borrow the best from U2 and then lift a bit from this... RADIOHEAD, and we shall make a demo and no one will notice that we are so derivative of these other bands...And so it was that Chris and his friends secured a record deal and toured the world with their pirated sounds... 14 year old girls wept and the money came in.

    I mean, that is how in interpret the song anyway... good question!

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