
Does anyone what the name of this game is called?

by  |  earlier

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it has a timer and you have to put yellow shapes in the correct place if the timer runs out they all pop up (its not frustration)




  1. Oh my god I havent seen that in ages. But no sorry cant remember what its called

  2. put the pieces into the slot

    make the right selection

    but be quick your racing the clock

    POP! goes perfection!!!!!

  3. I have it sitting right next to me on the table. It's called Perfection. It's made by Milton Bradly.

    I remeber the commercial song too.

    "Put the pieces into the slot. Make the right selection. Better be quick, you're racing the clock. POP! goes Perfection."

  4. we have a game that sound like what your after its called fit the bit two people can race one another or you can race the clock.

  5. Perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that game

  6. oh is it that pirate game? i had it ages ago.

  7. sound like Buckarro

  8. sounds like perfection.

  9. perfection

  10. I know the one you mean, but can't for the life of me remember the name!   It's gonna bug me now too!

  11. Perfection.  I still have that game at my grandma's somewhere.

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