
Does anyone where i can have an investment in the philippines that offers a compound interest??

by  |  earlier

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i want to know what company or maybe a bank can i invest in my money that offers a compuond interest...




  1. I work as a financial consultant with a multinational company.  We offer different investment tools that can be chosen by the investor whichever is his type of investment return interest as well as risk profile.  The funds are ideal for medium term to long term, and we really recommend that.  But one of my client invested a big amount and for some unexpected business plans, he pulled out his money as additional capital, yet he still got a high return even if his money stayed there for only 9 months.  The company has been operating around the world for more than 100 years already and was awarded AAA rating by the Standard and Poors.  

    The minimum placement is 50,000 pesos only.  you can contact me by email so I can give to you my personal number and we can recommend to you what is the best financial portfolio that will suit your requirements.

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