
Does anyone wish that Robot Chicken lasted longer than 15 minutes?

by  |  earlier

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Also, can you buy the season episodes?




  1. Not really, because "Robot Chicken" is written by people who are essentially volunteers and they create the sketches mainly for their own amusement. If Seth Green and his friends had to come up with twice as much material, I suspect it would be more staid and far less amusing material. The last thing I would want is for those who write the skits to start thinking of the creative process as something they are obligated to do or, even worse, as a job. Be thankful that the show exists as it does, and don't be greedy for the program to expand. I don't think expansion would be in the best interest of "Robot Chicken."

  2. nope i hated the first second of that show

  3. Yeah that would be pretty sweet if it was a full 30 min.  As far as buying them I think season 1 and 2 are out on DVD.  Also if you have a 360 you can buy episodes from the Live Marketplace.

  4. Yes i thought i was the only one that thought that! ;)

  5. Yes, Yes

  6. I lol at every second of that show!(Literally!) I mean seriously, where the c**p do they come up with this random stuff? YES!!!! PLZ,PLZ,PLZ!!! We must make a petition to ask for 30 minute shows of Robot Chicken! Keep it up dudes!

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