
Does anyone wonder if McCain is wearing depends?

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when you see him on tv?




  1. Thought never crossed my mind. Why, exacty are you worrying about what is under his pants? creepy

  2. Ummmm well i personally never wonder about that. As long as he wins i could care less really!!!! NOBAMA '08

  3. NO, only idiots do.

  4. No, do you wonder about Obama's underwear, too?

    Or should we assume that Biden is wearing Depends because he's almost the same age as McCain?

    Maybe some guys 'wonder' about Palin's panties

    Thanks a lot for even making me consider such things...How lame

  5. I do now.

  6. I don't wonder, I assume.  Now here is a question for you. Do you ever wonder if Palin is actually a Canadian.

  7. first thing i consider when i'm voting

  8. No the thought never crossed my mind.I worry about the important things.Whether someone wears depends just doesn't seem to important to me.

  9. Just sick twisted liberals.

  10. Diamond,

    At least he is not wearing women's lingerie.

  11. What ever works.

  12. I'm still voting for him

  13. Well, it DEPENDS!  <G>

  14. Why should anyone have something like that even on their mind?

    and no I don't.

  15. lol. no but you made me smile thanks. have a star.

  16. Well, I didn't until now. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww

  17. Nope.  Never crossed my mind.

  18. why would you think that?  just another reason to talk about his age?

    get over the age issue, at least he has experience.

  19. No, but do you having a fixation? Sounds to me like you need to seek help!

  20. Buy your own diapers.  Quit asking for handouts and freebies.  Typical Democrat.

  21. No. But I wonder if you have a brain.

  22. Now you got me imagining his shriveled up johnson.  I think I just puked in my mouth.  


  24. I'm sure Cindy won't let him leave the house without them.

  25. Is that the best you got?  Loser!  I would have more respect for you if you could give me real reasons why you don't like McCain (which I believe you are incapable of.)  As it is, I will dismiss you for the idiot you are.  Keep posting your c**p, cause you just make your fellow lefties look even more ridiculous.

  26. Wouldn't surprise me, lol ..  

  27. he's a creep  

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