
Does anyone work at disney, i have a question to ask?

by  |  earlier

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I bought tickets from ebay and i recieved them today in the mail. We realized that the tickets have the person's last name and the tickets say we have to present id to enter the park. Does the person have to be with us to get in? Or do they even ask for id when it comes to these complimentary tickets. Please Help.




  1. Yes they do ask for your id, from experience you got scammed.

  2. Multiple day tickets for any of the Walt Disney Theme Parks will have names printed on them. when you first use them you will be REQUIRED to use a finger print scanner. on the first use, they will register your finger print and every time you use it afterwards, you will be asked to place your finger on the scanner. if it doesn't match, they will ask you to try again. if it still doesn't work, they will ask for ID. if the name on the ID and ticket do not match, then you will not be allowed in and the ticket will be confiscated. now there is a possibility that the cast member will not do their job correctly and just let you through but i doubt that. they recently upgraded their finger print scanner to avoid that. sorry, but i believe you were scammed. i mean, the tickets could be valid but you are not legally able to use them.

  3. Not necessarily.

    Cast Members are often given 2 free passes a year that they can give to anyone they want without having the cast member signed their guest in.  Disney is very strict on signing guest into the park so these comp passes come in handy.

    As long as you say it's a gift from a family member (like an aunt) who works here, you should be okay.

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