
Does anyone work in a youth jail as a teacher?

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Just curious about experiences...I have a job offer...the pay is good, but it's only a term position with the possibility of getting full time next semester. Just looking for thoughts, input, etc from people with real experience.




  1. Hello - this is not direct experience - sorry.

    But we were friends with a lady who taught in such a facility.  I talked to her about it once...

    She said the kids were very well behaved "because being in the classroom was better than where they would be otherwise."

    She had the authority to kick them out of class.

    A suggestion: Ask to speak to a current teacher (or two) at the same facility.  Be upfront about your reasons - to make sure you make a good decision in taking the position.

    Hope that helps a little.

  2. I taught GED in an adult jail.  It can be a really meaningful experience because those students feel like they did not get a good education.  You can be the first teacher to make a difference in their life.  In a jail situation, many, not all, of the inmates have already hit bottom in their life.  So they pray to God and tell themselves that they are going to finally turn their life around.  That is where you come in.

    Pros: Life will be less complicated than public school.  No pep rallies, prom, football games, field trips, etc.  No a lot of prepping for your job, I assume.  No parent complaints!

    Cons: money, you may genuinely not like some of the students, jails are designed to be uncomfortable so you may not have airconditioning, sunlight, ventilation, Soda machines, nearby coffee shops, etc.  Your students do not want to be in jail; students are crashing after their drug addictions.  Instead of having secretaries, counselors, fellow happy teachers you will have underpaid guards who don't like to be called "guards" who hate their jobs.  The guards are typically from the same neighborhood as the inmates.

    My adult students had a 5th grade education, eighth grade maturity and they all wanted to be treated like adults.  

    Good luck.

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