
Does anyone work nights?

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Just curious what sleep schedule works for you. Do you sleep immediately after you get home from work, or wait till later in the day and get up and get showered and dressed for work, like you would if it were a day job? What works best for you and why?




  1. I've worked nights and supervised people who worked nights. Either way can work, but it's more common to go to bed as soon as you get home from work (maybe eat a meal and unwind for an hour first.)

    The really critical parts is that you get into a regular schedule including sleep and meals at the same time every day, and that you follow that schedule even on your days off. Switching back and forth is really hard on your body.

    I really liked working nights because I could sleep 8 hours and still have a lot of time to run errands, do things around the house, etc. I never made an appointment to get my hair done, I could always just walk in, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week.  

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