
Does anyone write their MP'3 for their vehicle MP3 playback system?

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I have an ipod and I know it makes more sence to just add my music to my ipod, but with XM already in the truck it seems like a lot of work to always remember to hook it up, it would however be nice to be able to leave cd's with 200 songs in the dash...

I have the in dash monsoon stereo/navigation combo and it does play data mp'3 disks (aparantly!) However the user guide isn't a whole lot of help in regard to how the system would actually like the data just that it wants CD-R's (which I am using).

I have tried through 'Music Match' data disk, and high-mat, and directly through my burner to make a data disk... not too sure what I am not doing the CD's are complete and work... just not in the car...

Just wondering if anyone has this system and does this regularly.

Kindest Regards




  1. Are the MP3'sin folders ? If so try to put them may not be able to read folders.

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