
Does anyone(US government,British government), have any idea where Bin Laden is ?

by  |  earlier

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Why don't they just take about 500,000 soldiers and check all the caves in Afghanistan/Pakistan and other places where he might be ?

Instead of doing it bit by bit they should just send loads over to hunt him down.




  1. he's  dead if you ask me

  2. In Islamabad under Pakistan military protection.  

  3. He's not even in afghanistan,why in the h**l would sombody like him stay in afghanistan when thats the first place they would look for him? I think they know he is not there but they want to destroy al quida anyway

  4. how hard is it to find a hairy faced dwalf who lives in a cave s***s in a bucket,and stinks of BO,asa bo larden,

  5. We pretty well know where he is but thanks to George W. and his Iraq adventure we don't have the troops in place to just go get him. That is what I mean when I speak of the importance of strategic thinking in war.....This war would already be over with four good Divisions in Afastgahin in 2002. Four complete not in fragments. If Bush had focused instead of jumping at the chance to go back to Iraq....Done. And Bin Ladin is exactly where he is rebuilding his terrorist network. The Pakistan tribal lands. Bush is the president but he sure is an idiot.......

  6. If we knew where he was then he would be getting a nice gift-wrapped JDAM a few minutes later,

  7. Kinda like wheres waldo, he's always on the page but you have to look real hard for him

  8. ive said that since day one a massive invasion of iraq,afghanistan,pakistan but they will never do it...but look were we found saddam at hiding in a hole cover in dirt....that fu**in pus**!!! i think bin laden is dead! if you remember years back when he was having all that medical trouble he was hooked up to machines and s*it...i think he's burning in hel* right now...well atleast i hope he is....

  9. He is lying by the pool outside his villa in a nice Tehran suburb, pi$$ing himself laughing and sipping back a cool bud while the west goes to pieces.

    I'm sure that given a free hand, the Israelies could "smoke him out" during one of their bombing runs againt the Iranian nuclear programme.

    Why not let them have a go ?

  10. They just do not have a clue! Some where in the tribal regions in the Pakistan/Afghanistan border!

  11. Obviously not, or they would have him. They have a general idea, but even that's not enough. He could be living in Omaha and working as a cab driver, who knows?

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