
Does anything bad happens if a cat or dog eats raw bacon?

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Do they get worms or anything?

Because i do not want to endanger my pets





  1. if the pork were infected meat, then yes, theoretically it could pass that worm along to your pets. the chances are pretty slim of it, though. i'd be more concerned about the high fat content of the bacon - food high in fat can cause the pancreas to go out of whack & get inflamed. this can become a life-threatening thing in a pet who becomes sensitive to it.

    EDIT: contrary to the belief below, it isn't tapes that infect pork anyway. it's a type of roundworm called Trichinosis. freezing the meat for three wks usually kills it. as for the whole "animals eat other animals in the wild and are fine" argument, have they not noticed that bacon is a processed meat, complete with all sorts of added preservatives & salts? it's not something the average fox or wildcat is going to come across & take down in the wild, lol. one slice has 60% of the daily allowance of fat for the average human, can you imagine how much that is to something small like a dog or cat?

    having lost one dog personally to pancreatitis, i stand by the idea that this is not a meat you want to feed your house pets in general. the sodium & fat contents are much too high for the average pet. if you want to give them a treat, go for something like boiled chicken or dried liver.

  2. if a cat or dog killed a wild animal and ate it, the cat or dog would be fine... so, unless something was wrong with the pig that created the bacon your pets will be fine.

    so feed them all the bacon they want

  3. tapeworms come from ingesting eggs or segments.. which are carried by fleas, or in contaminated f***s.

    Pork meat does not contain tapeworms. Tapeworms live in the digestive tract, not in muscle tissues. Most domestic livestock is kept wormed anyways, so its very unlikely that your dog/cat will get worms from eating raw or undercooked meat. They're more likely to get worms eating p**p from a rabbit in your back yard.

    cats and dogs are natural hunters and kill and eat raw animals. Don't worry, theyll be fine.

  4. Cats are naturally carniverous and accustomed to raw meat. If they have been innoculated, there should be little worry anyway.

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