
Does anything change when you turn 16? 10 points?

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Does anything at all change when you turn 16 besides getting license




  1. actually some things change

    when you get your licsense all you want is to go out.

    and you start to like older men. (well that's me)

  2. Nope nothing else really except you're one year older.

  3. thats about it

  4. yes of course. like, my attitudes.. i become a better yet sensitive lady

  5. (well, you don't get a license, you get a permit...)

  6. Nope.

  7. noope.but you do feel slightyl more privlaged and older than everyone else.

  8. nope sucks really just thay parents nag u more and more

  9. My mum told me how when she was 14 she always was like, 'd**n it, I can't wait to be 16!'

    'On my 16th birthday, I blown the candles, looked in the mirror and thought 'I'm 16, so what?'. Nothing changed, I didn't become super-gorgeous, start to fly or anything. I was just 1 year older.'- she said.

  10. No.  you still have to go to school, answer to your parents and all that.  You do get more freedom because you can leave the house without them, but for the most part not really.

  11. you get your license

    and you can drop out of school! woo haha

  12. im 16 and nothings on my way to getting my license so things might change when i get it, but for the most part no

  13. well if your parents are anything like mine;

    ~Your allowance gets cut, because you're old enough for a job.

    ~You're considered an 'adult' so all the luxuries of being a child get snatched away. (ie; mom stops doing your laundry and making sure you wake up on time for school, ect.)

    ~You get a later curfew, but it's so strict it's not worth it anyway.

    ~Every time you leave the house your parents automatically assume you're doing drugs, drinking and having s*x.

  14. well u can get more job options, sum people can finally date, u get more freedom if ya parents trust u more, u can get license, but not really ur jus a year older

  15. not really. besides a license, of course

  16. you can work at more places but other then that im pretty sure the only thing that changes besides getting a license is that you just get another year older...

  17. nopee, but in certain states you can leagally have s*x but i think only with 16 year olds or soemthing dumb like that...

  18. Besides your license, no =)

  19. Many things can change actually...

    In most states, you can get your license.

    You earn more respect from your family.

    Most credit card companies will allow you to have a card under a parent's credit.

    You start high school, if not already.

    ...and your two years away from independence!!

  20. Depending on the state in which you live, you can get a job and consent to s*x.

    Please note that I am not condoning s*x at your age, I am a virgin and I'm waiting until I'm married. =)

  21. Legal age to have s*x here in New Zealand!

  22. no im 16 nothing really changes. youre just a year older :)

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