
Does anything other than "dirt" cause pimples? Adult acne?

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I wash my face morning and night with a 3 part routine and I still get pimples. I know my face can't be dirty enough for this to be happening.




  1. It could be food allergies to dairy, wheat or soy. Too much sugar and refined foods. Dirty colon and weak liver, plus a weak immune system all can cause acne. If it comes from inside, you need to fix inside first. No cream will save you.

  2. Stress levels, if you are getting close to your period, eating oily or fatty foods (chocolate, potato chips), picking at existing pimples, not washing face correctly, if what you are using now is not working i would suggest changing products (clean and clear sells a good 3 part set so does acne free and proactive), and touching your face alot (like resting your head in your hands and even sitting with your cell phone against your face) can all cause pimples. Sometimes getting a little sun can help with pimples. You are however supposed to get a few pimples every once and awhile it is normal and if you struggle with body acne like on your back that could be a result of wearing tight shirts or sweating alot. Hope this helped! Good luck!

  3. Sometimes it's just stress, changes your body is taking.

  4. Could be someting in your diet.

  5. Ok! its very good that you wash your face many time.But pimples is not only from dirty.The other cause may be eating food,bad food .You should eat home made food.If you eat outside food than you face with pimple. So, i advice you to eat home made(mother made)food,So,that you can free from pimples.

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