
Does anything replace the ozone layer that we use every day?

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Does anything replace the ozone layer that we use every day?




  1. UV rays from the sun dissociate O2 molecules, allowing them to form O3 (ozone) molecules (and vice versa).  This happens continuously in the upper atmosphere.


  2. Ozone is formed due to solar radiation and the breakdown of normal oxygen. Gravity tends to hold the layer of O3. Atomic oxygen tends to drift further out into the mesopause region where it can recombine with hydrogen forming hydroxls. Third bodies such as cosmic dust and shock wave attachment can lead to mesospheric clouds of dry crystals.

    Once these crystals lose their electrical charge, gravity can cause downward drift and the regeneration of O3 and possibly water

  3. it regenarates itself

  4. give Roseanne Barr some bean dip.... that'll refill the ozone

  5. We don't use the ozone latyer everyday and it's replenishing naturally.

  6. The O-zone layer naturally fluctuates and therefore both increases and decreases without any aid.

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