
Does anyyone actually understand the gymnastic scoring system....?

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geez all these complaints about biased chinese judges when not even all of them are chinese and more importantly think just becuase Alicia didn't win a medal its biased when you don't know the score system

who here actually understands why she "the chinese girl" won a medal?




  1. The Chiness paid people off?

    Remember they're not known for their morals

  2. she won because she had higher difficulty

    but that is bs, bring back the old judging system

    just because she tried something harder doesnt mean she should win, because if she messed up, itz her fault for trying something hard, and she should be judged just as hardly as anyone doing an easier routine, plus, if she didnt mess up that badly, she would still be a LITTLE bit higher than the easier one

    but the girl fell on her knees, and did better, that doesnt make sense

  3. Basically here is the rundown, there is A score and B score.

    The A score is for start value & difficulty and measure 3 things - Difficulty Value, Element Group Requirement and Connection Value.

    This score is open ended, meaning the gymnast can rack up the points here with no limit or maximum. They are required to have certain element groups and get bonuses for different connections.

    The B score is for execution. The B score starts from a 10 and is subtracted from instead of added to. Form breaks, checks, falls, etc. are deducted from the 10.

    The two are added. You get your score.

    For those that say bring back the old system, does anyone even remember the scoring disasters in Athens? From Paul Hamm to the men's high bar fiasco and women's FX.... That is why the new system is in place, albeit it has its own flaws too.

  4. Ya you get 15 + if your of Chinese descent.

  5. higher difficulty + general performance.

    why r u guys STUCK on the fact that she fell on her knees? get over it. think about how Nastia Liukin won the gold medal, you'll feel better. btw, cheng fei won a bronze medal, nothing compared to a gold medal.

    AND!! stop with the "chinese" judges. there were judges from all over the world. maybe one of the AMERICAN judges gave the chinese girl a higher score.

  6. Can anyone show us the detail breakdown of points deductable on mistakes so we can shut these people up? Some people think 0.8 deduction is not enough for Chung’s mis-landing and ask for the old scoring system back. It is funny why noone cry for old scoring system until now. How about do the vaults first and then decide which system we should use?

  7. She won a medal because her vault difficulty was higher than Alicia's, so after the faults were taken off, her score still ended up being higher because of the initial level of difficulty.

  8. I understand it quite well, and I think that anyone who doesn't can do what I did when they heard it had been changed and go to the FIG website and download the new code booklet (It has Alicia Sacramone in it, you know you want to now! LOL).

    The scoring was fair as per the book but the debate will continue to rage no matter what. Which is why it would be good to give set levels of difficulty in the individual apparatus. If they are that good to make it to the final in that apparatus, then having to do something at 6.5 should pose no huge obstacle.  

  9. With the new scoring system, gymnasts are given two scores.  One score is simply the value of the difficulty in their routine/vault.  The other score is based on execution (starting from a 10:00, with points taken off for form breaks, falls, etc).  The two scores are added together for the final score.

    Cheng Fei outscored Alicia because she did two more difficult vaults.  

    Cheng Fei's two vaults:

    First Vault:

    Difficulty - 6.50

    Execution - 9.575

    Total - 16.075

    Second Vault:

    Difficulty - 6.50

    Execution - 8.550

    Total - 15.050

    Average of Cheng Fei's two vaults: 15.562

    Alicia's two vaults:

    First Vault:

    Difficulty - 6.30

    Execution - 9.450

    Total - 15.750

    Second Vault

    Difficulty - 5.80

    Execution - 9.525

    Total - 15.325

    Average of Alicia's two vaults: 15.537

  10. A lot of viewers aren't aware of the new system but I think eventually they'll learn to accept the system.

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