
Does appendix pain travel through out the body?

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My mother just called me (I'm in college) she's having some pain thats in her stomach area and travels down to her legs and her knee's. They don't know whats wrong with her so they just gave me pain medicine. They are afraid it's her appendix and want her to at any time it gets worse to go to the ER. I told her that appendix pain doesn't travel and she said that's what they also told her. They doctor also said that everyone is different and maybe shes reacting to appendix pain differently from someone else.

I'm a pre-medicine major myself and I'm really curious as to what could it possibility be. She has a past of gastric problems, so she thinks it might be that but the pain travels. Any takers?




  1. Actually there is something that is called referred pain. That is when there is an issue in one part of the body and pain can be felt in a complete unrelated place.  Kind of like jaw pain in a heart attack when you are not even having chest pain.  Even thought most referred pain for things like the appendix will go up..into the right shoulder. But that does not mean she could not be having it in her legs.

  2. Gastro intestinal fever not appendix related at all.

  3. Not appendix as far as I, a layman, will say.  That does NOT travel down your legs and your knees.  If you're a pre-med student, why don't you ask one of your professors.  I'm sure they'd know more than we at Yahoo!Answers would.  If you, as a pre-med student are confused, just imagine all the strange answers you're gonna get now from just people like me who have no medical background.  I know someone who has diverticulitis and maybe it could be that?  Especially since you said she has a history of gastric problems.

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