
Does australia have a legal obligation to enforce a treaty it ratifies?

by  |  earlier

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If it does have a legal obligation to do so then have any not been and why?

I need a source for the answers and 10 points for any one who points my in the right direction.




  1. Yes, they are legally obligated to abide by the treaty they are a signatory to.  Look up the term "Pacta sunt servanda" for more info.  Generally, it is a principle of law that parties must abide by the obligations they have signed on to and that failure to do so constitutes a breach of (in this case) international law.

  2. International treaties, that are ratified by the Govt. are binding only if they dont conflict with Australian law! This is common practise around the world, and it negates most of these treaties and makes them, mostly meaningless!

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