
Does baguazhang (yin) have a weakness against boxing?

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  1. hes a noob

  2. The one who fears the TAZER is rude and arrogant, HOWEVER he does have a point...

    Unless you have been practicing Baguazhang for around twenty years then the chances are that an experienced boxer will defeat you.

    Those chinese martial arts are the most effective and potentially the most deadly of all... they are in principle superior to all. However, they take decades of training to master. Most people simply dont have the time. Even 5 years of solid training in those arts will not compare to an experienced crude street fighter.

    Most of you so called martial artists must understand the difference between what you do and what boxers and street thugs do. I have seen too many martial artists, instructors, black belts, etc... get embarassed by street thugs.

  3. bagua is an excellent way to make a boxer look silly.

  4. I think every fighting style has a weakness against boxing. Boxers can hit so hard and so well, you had better not mess with one. Since you're into Baguazhang you should read a book by John Gilbey called 'Way of A Warrior'. There's a true life story about a Baguazhang practitioner who beat up 4 brothers at once in a bar. It's a great book and it gave me a lot of respect for Baguazhang.

  5. Most striking styles are inferior to boxing. Boxing been around since gladiator times, and is one of the oldest, richest and prosperous sports in the world..and you are asking if some BS art that no one has ever heard of is weak in comparison? Its an obvious answer. Of coarse it is. Any professional boxer would maul a baguazhang artist. Simply maul them.

  6. The only weakness that practically all (most, not all) have against Western Boxing is that Boxers get to train full contact and only focus on their hands.  This allows them to also focus more on physical strength and endurance.   This will give a quicker short-term benefit.  

    That being said, if a Bagua fighter fights Bagua against a boxer, making the boxer adjust to his game, the Bagua fighter will be ok.  The Bagua guy should really work the circle and either stay far back out of punching range or way up close, in trapping range.  If you stay in punching range with a boxer and you don't know any boxing you're asking for a knockout.

    And that being said, the guy who taught me how to box knew Bagua, TaiChi and Shaolin.  He was a pro boxer at one time.   Why would a pro boxer study KungFu if it were worthless?  

    Backflips and more gymnastic-related styles are cool and impressive---in fact I wish I could back flips!  But, why have I been people who can do flips?  

    Because it's not the style, it is the person.

    I also would not necessarily give too much credit to "street fights" as absolute proof of fighting.  You could have ended up fighting against a long string of people who are lousy fighters.  It all depends upon the quality of the opponents.  I could go to a nursing home, line up 50 old ladies with bad hips, beat them and claim to have one 50 street fights.

  7. Black Taoist is an old friend of mine - my old Kwoon Brother.

    I have seen him in action. He is very well versed in Baguazhang and can use it extremely well.

    Boxing is great. I take nothing away from it.

    I have a friend who boxed and fought in basements and alleys for money. He never lost a fight.

    I did boxing workouts with him and he tried to box me. I never trained boxing and he could not touch me. He could not box me in either.

    Like Siytangco Sifu said - it depends on the training you receive.

  8. It is a shame that certain ignorant fools (in reference to Mr Tazer) will trash other martial arts and practitioners that they don't understand.  Secondly this is truly an example of the low standards of certain martial artists out there these days.  You are not just judged by your skill in the combat arena but also by your conduct among your peers.  A lack of honor and respect is always a lack of honor and respect.

    I have nothing against any other martial art in practice be it modern, practical, or traditional.  Everything has something to offer just as there are students who search for different things not just how to beat down someone else (in person or on their keyboards).  In response to this question I have a tremendous amount of respect for boxers, but the question of comparing styles (ONCE AGAIN) has nothing to do with style, but more so to do with the training and tenacity of the practitioner.  If you want an example of the quality of Baguazhang in combat check out a channel on youtube named "blacktaoist".

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