
Does barack obama want to enslave the entire white race when he is president?

by Guest64978  |  earlier

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thid is somethibg i rea9d on the in3nternet not sure if it is true thoguh




  1. Do you believe all the garbage that you hear?  That is ridiculous!

  2. First off, that would be illegal, for that goes against the amendments, and he certainly won't be able to do that because he would have to go against the supreme court and congress. And second, what kind of question is that? I mean, why would you even think that to be true? A person with even the slightest amount of common sense could figure out that there is something wrong with that idea.

  3. Are you high? Why don't you spend your time reading about learning how to spell correctly. I'm really getting annoyed by all you people who can't spell, use improper grammer and are ignorant.

  4. omg that just shows that a lot of things written by people on the internet is NOT TRUE!

  5. Your questions smells of lack of maturity. But. Say you really wanted to ask this in a sane mood, the answer is "No".

    He wouldn't want to do that cause of the prior knowledge that a great majority of the world is controlled by whites and other non blacks. That would deter him from the thought.

  6. What's the difference we live under a king's rule now.

  7. Troll.

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