
Does bashing environmentalists impede our progress?

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Over the last few years it has been fascinating to listen to poltical flip floppers contradict themselves, place blame on everyone but themselves, and constantly make excuses.

Consider just a couple of years ago when every talk radio conservative was making fun of electric cars, alternative fuels, people who bought the Prius etc.... They valiantly drove their hummers and SUVS with pride.

Now gas goes to 4.5/gallon and these very same people are on the radio every day railing about how important it is to end dependency on foreign oil, develop green fuel technologies, drill in new places in the interum etc.... There is not the slightest hint of shame in their voices as they pretend to be the first people on earth to come up with this idea...the very same attitude they decried wityh their fake outrage not long ago.

Does the anti-environmentalism impede progress? Does railing about the "scam of global warming" do anyone any good other than put a stumbling block on progress?




  1. The answer to that question lies entirely with the meaning of the word "progress."

    Those "anti-environmentalists" you clearly have a problem with have a much different idea when they think of progress than you do. (And one can be "anti-environmentalist" without being "anti-environment," just in case you were wondering.)

    If the idea is to get people to actually understand the true implications of human activity on the environment, then making environmentalsts actually explain themselves and account for what they say is a very good thing.

    I suggest you talk to Al Gore and get him to debate the people who disagree with him.... but he won't do that. That's the truth. Is telling the truth about someone "bashing" them? I don't think so.

    Progress would be having the best sources of energy - not  leaping toward second-rate solutions because people have made you unnecessarily afraid.

  2. I certainly hope so.  If not, we need to use bigger hammers.

  3. Obviously working to solve the problem than pointlessly debating what has already become evident is going to yield at least some results.

    There are those out there who intentionally try to muddle the issue for their own private gains, others are simply misguided and or contrarian for their own emotional boost.

    I try to ignore those whom are stubborn, educate those who are sincerely willing to listen, and carry on the work of bettering the world.

    In terms of energy, the environment, global warming, etc, the answers are simple. First and foremost cut back on consumption. Second recycle whatever you can. Third work to push environmental legislation. Fourth, support various charities as organizations are theoretically more powerful and efficient than lone individuals.  

    Finally except what you can't control and enjoy God's creation to the best of your abilities. Hopefully "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" will not be due to global warming.

    Humanity is at a crossroad. I chose to be one of those adding my number to reach that populous critical mass of agreement where things start to shift even regardless of corrupted governments.

  4. Wrong!!! Fossil or any of the alternates produce the same power for the same CO2 that is output... In all cases the energy comes from the burning the C to produce the CO2..

  5. The "environment" is no excuse for socialism, which doesn't work well no matter what the cause.  I support conservation, alternative energy and the environment but some global warmers flail around about doomsday, convincing people that any sacrifice is legitimate in defense of flawed models that don't predict anything.  They should be ashamed.

    Environmentalists tarnished their own credibility with their wild unsubstantiated claims.  Now they reap what they sow.

    It's not the end of the world, it's just the end of YOU.

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

    --C.S. Lewis

  6. Not at all.  Although there are some meaningful environmentalists out there, too many have simply adopted the term to further political agendas.  Bashing them is necessary.  And your point about stopping our use of fossil fuels is wrong.  There is no reason whatsoever to stop.

  7. Right now I can buy a new German produced small diesel that gets almost 45 mpg ----BUT sorry can't bring it here it won't pass the particulate emission tests. (although it is used extensively in Europe-- and is VERY clean running.)

    Would I buy a fully electric car right now----- ??? No way.

    The Prius is fully $5+ thousand more than say a regular Honda Civic--- I would have sold the Civic before I PAID for the difference in gasoline costs--

    Honda Civic $15,100

    MPG 25-36

    Prius-  $21,500

    48-45  from EPA site

    I am a commuter and drive 15,000 miles per year. I get 30 mpg in Civic

    I will spend about $2000 on gas per year in the Civic at $4.00 per gallon--- so my gas is essentially FREE for the first 3 years-- (assuming ZERO recharging cost for the Prius!)

  8. I find that your attempt to blame SUV's on the current energy crisis to be ridiculous.  SUV's are actually a consumer response to CAFE standards pushed by leftists and loopholes which are always present.  Unintended consequences always occur yet leftist love making new laws .  Environmentalists put nuclear plants in thier crosshairs a few decades ago and they crippled nuclear growth.  They villainize oil production (everywhere), oil refining, and coal and natural gas and wind farms and any viable alternatives.  I am sure if I searched, I could find something from most leftist who post here complaining about ExxonMobil.  This isn't done due to any truth about ExxonMobil.  It is done because some people follow what fellow leftists say and leftist love to demonize ExxonMobil and Halliburton.  If fellow leftist say that SUV's are evil, then they must be evil.

  9. I believe global warming is an inevitable natural event. We humans have a definite impact on our environment, but I have doubts that we have the ability to alter the climate of the entire world. The earth has gone through many cycles of climate without us and it will continue to do the same once we are gone.

    I think every eco-friendly Idea is a good one, as they put forward ideas that will advance our race and scientific learning and what not. So yes, bashing environmentalists and any thought leads to ignorance. Every idea should be contemplated with the best outcome of our race in mind.

    Nuclear power is clean and produces no emissions.

  10. I think there's no question that anti-environmentalism impedes progress.  As one amusing example, just this February, Ann Coulter called electric cars "idiotic" and "useless".

    I don't think anyone who's done any kind of research on the subject disputes that electric cars are inherently better than internal combustion engine cars in almost every respect.  Right now this second are electric cars better than gas cars?  No, but does that make them useless and idiotic?  Of course not.  EVs are far more efficient than internal combustion engine cars.

    It's this sort of right-wing thinking in which anything associated with liberals and the environment is automatically bad that's slowing progress.

    So is this perception that environmentalists want to 'take us back to the stone ages and live in caves'.  Environmentalists want to push technological advances like wind and solar energy, electric and biofuel cars.  That's the exact opposite of going back to the stone ages!

  11. Well these are the kind of idiots who 5 years ago were bashing efforts put in renewable energies and now come to you to ask you in which of these companies they should invest in...

    The same people who bashed ideas from environmentalists to increase gradually and artificially gas prices 5 years ago to let the economy and the energy efficiency level adapt and are now whining about gas prices...

    The same people who bragged about the free market and now advocate strong state intervention to reduce the reliance on foreign oil...

    I guess you just can´t debate about people who have the agenda of their party and are not educated enough to think by their own on these problems.

  12. Progress???  Progress to an environmentalist is living in the stone ages.

    Environmentalist should be tickled, this is the world they envisioned.  

    The problem with gas prices was created by these environmentalist & their democrat enablers by shutting down any drilling that was needed 30 YEARS AGO.  

    Now the US must "ask" for its enemies to sell us their oil.

    The environmentalist also destroyed any chances for multiple Nuclear power plants using their patented scare tactics.

    So now we are forced into using even more of ours and other fossil fuels.

    I feel most environmentalist are basically traitors and terrorists.

  13. So your begrudging some one who can afford the life style they choose? Interesting statement coming from someone that has to pay the same amount for a gallon of petrol. Maybe you should write your congressman that's riding around with your hard earn income. Get the congress to make a decision...even a bad one would be nice.

    ed: no... we need fossil fuels to get off of fossil fuels. There's not a magic easy button. Just stubborn hard headed individuals.

  14. people didn't listen to them,because they only talk of things that do not exist,there is no electric car that meets the needs of people,there is no alternative fuel yet. environmentalist impede progress most of the time. when there are true advances in technology people will use them.but until then we need oil and we should get it from our own country

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