
Does basic training also count as active duty?

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Does basic training also count as active duty?




  1. Yes, it does.

    The day you start boot camp is the day your active duty "clock" starts.

    Your discharge date will be on the day before the day you joined (of course, after however many years you joined for). For example, if you joined on an April 19, your discharge date would be on an April 18.

  2. truth, it counts as active duty.  where are you going with this question? trying to determine when your 3/4/6 years start?

  3. Active duty begins the day you arrive.

      Yoiu may  report to a reception center when you arrive. That's 2-3 days of uniform issue, physical exams, paperwork, etc before you get to a basic training unit.  But it all counts to time served and for pay purposes.

  4. duty starts the day you enter basic or boot camp..

  5. Sure does. Starts the day you raise the Hand, that final time... Day 1.

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