
Does being B12 deficient and vegetarian/vegan go hand in hand?

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I was talking to my nutrienist(cantspell) and she said the signs were obvious. She saw and i saw my red blood cells and THAT was the result. She said that eating veggies will NOT be enough to improve........but that i would have to start eating MEAT because it is compact with B12,(she says).

So i dont know who to believe or what to do? I know there are non-meat products with B12 still isnt enough. So i dont know what to do. Its taking the supplements enough. Why do meats have b12 in them?

Help please. Appreaciate it. Thanks. :)




  1. b12 is a bacteria, you should look for truly vegetarian supplements though because some companies uses meat products to get the b12 in their vitamins

  2. try a b12 supplement, not just a multi vitamin

  3. Meat has B12 in it because the bacteria that produces B12 proliferates in the guts of cows and other animals that end up as food.

    Humans incubate the same B-12 producing bacteria, but it lives too far down in our digestive tract for the vitamin to be absorbed.

    You don't need to eat meat to get it.  Supplemental B12 is produced by the exact same bacteria, only in a lab on a sterile substrate.  You can take supplements or eat enough fortified foods.  If you're vegetarian, eggs will have it\.

    B12 deficiency is most often caused by an inability to absorb B12, not by dietary insufficiency.  Your nutritionist should know that and should have referred you to a physician to test you to see if that was the problem.  If you have an inability to absorb B12, all the meat in the world won't cure you and you'll need occasional injections in order to benefit from the vitamin.

    The only person I have ever known with a diagnosed B12 deficiency was a meat eater.

    Find yourself a nutritionist who understands veg*nism.  Yours sounds like she's reading off an answer tree.  And pick up a copy of "Becoming Vegan" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina (or the vegetarian version, if that applies.)  Both are registered dietitians and the book is a great resource.

  4. If you are vegetarian and eat cheese and eggs... you won't have a problem with B12. If you are Vegan, then yes... you will need supplements. If you drink Sobe Tsunami or Lizard... those both contain about 20% of your B12 per serving.... so it's actually 40% in one bottle!

    I get vitamin B12 shots (once a month) because I can not digest it. If you have stomach problems, often it will not be digested the way it is suppose to and you might need to get the shots. B-12 is produced in the guts and digested in the guts of animals which is why eating meat is  high in B12 but you don't have to go back to eating meat.  You might have to submit to milk or egg products unless you get a very good B12 supplement. Also, if you are not digesting it for whatever reason.. (gallbladder removed, acid reflux medication.. ect...) you might need the shots.

  5. "b12 is a bacteria"

    --------------------------------------... is NOT a Bacteria.It is a Bio-Chemical and Vitamin. Prof.Dorothy Hodkins (U.K.) has completely worked out its structure from X-ray crystalography.Bacteria Produces B12.

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