
Does being Grateful/Thankful mean anything?, if you dont show it?

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I am so fortunate and lucky in my life and i feel that quite often. I live in a bad area where i see so many handi-capped and poor folks out of a job. i feel lucky for being young and having some hope in my future- having so many options.

However I never express this to anyone. In fact Im extremely closed off. I think my boss thinks i take my job for granted.

So do you think being thankful means anything - unless you show it? explain.




  1. Well, as many of those who may disagree with me can rate me badly all they want, because this speaks from personal past experiences:

    When you count your "blessings" before God, it just creates a hit-list for him to take them away one by one just to see if you can still be happy without the things you love and need, but the same thing tends to happen when you tell other people of your gratitude in being so fortunate...

    Back when I was still religious I mentioned to myself or "God" in my head that I was exceptionally grateful for my apartment and less then two weeks later POOF!  it was gone!  And, of course this isn't the only example.  I once mentioned being grateful for my ability to think and ponder on things and explore and then POOF! less than a year later I was diagnosed with a detrimental and painful mental disorder....

    Of course, once again, these are just a FEW examples of the apparent sick sense of humor of life in general due to the fact that nothing we have is really ours, even our own bodies in which we were born with...  It will all get taken away from you eventually in my opinion.  Sometimes by the inch.  Other times, by the yard.  Enjoy it while it lasts!  It's all very temporary and very trivial.

  2. Worry not about others but about your heart, deep within yourself you know the answer to that question, people have strayed off The Way, and happened upon the beaten path wherein they no longer rely on that voice that answers immediately after the question is asked and instead seek outwardly. You will only find truth in yourself but first you must let go of your inability to accept the answer, if you wanted to steal something that you really wanted something in you would say it was wrong it would say your going to get caught it would say its a bad idea and you would internally if you really desired the thing constantly deny that answer constantly say internally but i really want it until you left that doubt and went with your desire. Or you would do the right thing.

    This is just to show you where you can truly find your answer but to answer your question, If you are inwardly thankfull truly thankfull and not taking your job for granted among other things then it will naturally show in your happiness, but worry not about what others think but what God knows. Your creator knows your heart, if you think you need to show gratitude do this, Live your life as if God is watching your every move because in fact he is, if you can do that you will be right because your heart will fear judgement. The instant you decide that you want to do something that you have a doubt about doing that is the place where God resides in you where the doubt is not in the desire. Let your doubt remove your desire.

  3. Of course it means something... whether you show it or not. It has meaning and it is real. If someone says it isn't real, then they'll be discounting the thousands of thoughts a person experiences everyday as not existing or not relevant. Being thankful is reflected in your understanding, and your treatment of others.

  4. when you are blessed you are to bless others. that doesn't mean to go out and give your money or possessions away. Just show how grateful you are. let your light shine. Say hi and smile when you pass the people. tell God thanks and you love him. and help those that you can. old clothes, leads on jobs etc.

  5. I don't think so. Nothing that a person feels or knows means anything if they don't show it or share it or communicate or act on it. Nor will it mean anything if you show it and nobody notices. (except to you alone maybe) It might come out, or show in some indirect way, even if you don't think you're showing it, but I think it's best if you open up a bit, and make a point of expressing your appreciation; there's a million ways to do it. You can say thanks or give back or whatever.

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