
Does being a Christian take the thinking out of life?

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Most Christians know the Bible inside and out and use it to decide what is a sin and what isn't, what they should do and what they shouldn't, what they can think and what they can't. I'm glad my life isn't that simple. Personally, I like probing and meditating and coming to the answers on my own. I also like knowing that I can change my mind if I want to. If one book had all the answers I wouldn't have to read another book ever again. This would never work for me because I enjoy reading.




  1. I disagree with you. Most Christians do not know the bible inside and out.  They believe what they believe because as you say, they don't want to have to think about making and educated choice.

  2. The bible still requires you to think on your own for example there is nothing in the bible about drugs or tobacco but I know they are bad there are many other things to the bible encourages us to research and ponder over things

  3. Why bother thinking for yourself when all the "answers" are right there in your Bible????

  4. I think therefore I am.

  5. yes

  6. You know....I think God intended for us as humans beings to decide for ourselves what is wrong and right.  Deep down inside, people know the difference.  Christianity isn't that simple.  Christians have been some of the most persecuted people throughout history.  The great thing about being a Christian is that we are allowed free will.  God never said we must think one thing or do one thing, we have to come to those things on our own terms.    

    Meditation is a good thing.  Christians use meditation and reflection in prayer.  God did say to seek His Word only.  I think, we as Christians look to the bible because His Word is there.  Not every Christian knows the bible inside and out.  A lot have never read it.  I don't think anyone or any book for that matter contain all the answers, so essentially it wouldn't work for any of us.  What would be the point of our existence?

  7. My husband's a smart cookie, and he's a Catholic...of course, I think I'm a bit smarter...

  8. If you take the same attitude towards chemistry I wouldn't want to be around when you start mixing chemicals.

  9. I love to read. I read the bible.  I have also read other books.  You see i read the bible to help me in life.  I read other books for entertainment.  I like to read different kind of books. Ever heard of the book The Language of God.  Its a book about a scientist who believes in God.  I would recommend it.  I'm sure that since it has the word God in it it won't be thought about. For some strange reason, people think christians are not allowed to do anything.  This is called ignorance.  People who aren't christians see people who are and stereotype them.  I am a new christian.  I was atheist a year ago. I finally got smart and let God take over my life.  Now i have absolutely no worries.  NONE!! I don't worry about anything.  I have been taken care of way more than ever.  God has blessed me so much. Thank you God. Oh, i also don't know the bible inside and out.  i know some things.  I know that it says in the bible that a person does not have to know the bible to get into heaven.  There are like 3 people on this earth who actually sit down and read the bible and want to know about it.  The rest of this world is too focused on everything else in this world.  If all these people would give it a shot, try believing in god.  Try praying, try reading Matthew in the new testament.  This world is so open minded and willing to try new things but when it comes to God they want nothing to do with it.  I think people are just scared to be different.  Its a shame to believe in God you have to be "different."

  10. You obviously haven't talked to a large number of Christians.  Most Christians haven't read the bible cover to cover one time.  I've had Christians tell me absolutely absurd things like "Moses was kept out of the promised land because he married a black woman." (Southern Baptist, Waynesburg, OH.)  I've found most secular people are generally more versed in what the bible says than theists are (the exception being priests) I suspect that is because they tend to use what the bible says when they're being assaulted by theists... the best way to argue is to use someones own ammunition against them... the confused look on peoples face when a non-theists starts quoting verses from their scripture that conflict with what they're saying is priceless.

    My favorite line ever was "Get out of here boy, I don't wanna hear your devils tongue speaking Gods word no more." (Unknown Religion Pusher at CAK Airport.)

  11. no of course not....does unbelief make you rude??

    we love reading are making assumptions..

  12. I think that most Christians don't know the bible so much as they know what they've been taught about the bible in sunday school and church.  

    I agree, meditation and self-exploration lead to the discovery of the deeper truths.  So what if someone else figured it out before you - it's great to read about the exploration of others like Buddha and Christ, but the things they learned are only words and concepts until you realize them yourself in your own way at your own time.

  13. You must be kidding because being a Christian for me means I must think constantly and weigh each and every decision in the light of eternity. The Bible is not always a crystal clear guide. Also we can and do read other books. I for one read constantly. I hate television and I enjoy learning.

  14. As a Christian, I don't think life is simple and I don't think God expects us not to challenge Him on occasion. Christianity adds new complications to life and I often think it would be easier not to believe. I mean, how do you explain a loving God allowing suffering and starvation? Or why a just God heals one person but not another. I have endless questions which I throw at God.

    This is from a Casting Crowns song called "Just love them like Jesus" but what can you do in this sort of situation?

    "The love of her life is drifting away

    They’re losing the fight for another day

    The life that she’s known is falling apart

    A fatherless home, a child’s broken heart

    You’re holding her hand, you’re straining for words

    You trying to make - sense of it all

    She’s desperate for hope, darkness clouding her view

    She’s looking to you"

    Also just because we know what sin is, doesn't take away the thought process of will I or won't I, and all too often we do it anyway. We fail God daily. I hope I never stop asking questions and looking for answers, because that's how we learn.

  15. You obviously dont know a lot of Christians

  16. Try reading the Mahabharatha. The greatest epic ever written.  

  17. I somehow became relatively rich doing as you suggest.


    Old school:  we had to study our butts off at school because it was good to be disciplined in all things, not just religion.

    Religion has given us hospitals and an orderly society.  They were the fore-runners of science, and wished for clarity as well as for the salvation of souls, taking into account all manner of people.

    We are taught to be thoughtful toward others, courteous and kind.

    I still have to learn the "kind" part, but I hope that you will all bear with me in that struggle.

    If anything, religion has given me a deeper reason, and a very thoughtful aspect to all things in my life.  Not that I'm a saint or anything.

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