
Does being a progressive means that you believe in the following:?

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That homosexuality and cross-dressing is normal and healthy and should be celebrated and experimented with.

That religion and God are "fairy tales" and believers are misguided, judgmental hypocrites.

That the US is a racist, sexist nation.

That our police are brutal and racist.

That out troops are murderers.

That humans have the ability to alter the global climate and that we are in the process of destroying the Earth and all of its inhabitants.

That it's OK for teenagers to have s*x and they and to give giving birth control pills and condoms in school.

That it is wrong to enforce US immigration laws.

That all forms of diversity should be celebrated, no matter how weird, negative, abnormal or immoral.

That there are no moral absolutes. All types of behavior have some sort of valid justifications.




  1. Yup

  2. You just describe most of the Senate & Congress>

  3. nowadays, progreesive is just another cover for socialist

  4. Ussualy they esspecialy like to blame America on everything!~~~~

  5. no

    I consider myself generally 'progressive' and do not necessarily ascribe to the tenets you list, as listed

    I consider it progressive to not lump people en masse into stereotypes

    I would gather you do not consider yourself "progressive"

  6. 1. Humans have rights, and can love whom they wish.  This is not the concern of the government.

    2. Roughly 96% of this country's people believe in a God or higher power.  I believe in God and Jesus Christ.

    3. There are racists & sexists here, as in every country, but as a whole, this is not a racist or sexist nation.

    4. The police rightly enforce our laws, and a very small amount are corrupt.  Not all people make the right choices.  In fact, I want to be a cop.

    5. God bless our troops.  I don't like the war, but they weren't the ones who decided to go into Iraq.

    6. Yes.

    7. It's not okay for teens to have s*x, but many will do it, regardless of what their parents and the system say.  Birth control needs to be taught, so people,m whenever they choose to have s*x, know how to use them, and how effective they are.

    8. Laws must be enforced, but simply deciding to build a fence in only certain areas is not the way to do it.  It wasts money, considering that people can simply go around.

    9. Yes, as long as it is legal.

    10. Again, as long as it falls within legal boundaries.  This one is very vague, and I'm not sure where you're going with it.

    11. People's descriptions of "art" varies, and I wouldn't necessarily call it art, but as long as what's in it is legal, that's fine with me.

  7. Yes!

    Well, it does for me.

    I bet you are a Republican...


    The writer is attempting to take a one word label

    "Progressive" and attach a lot to it that may or may not be a part of any individuals belief system.

    Remember, when Abe Lincoln was elected


  9. Defining "progressive" is about as difficult as defining who is a Jew.  Both terms take in a helluva lot of territory.  There's an old saying among my people which states that for every 2 Jews you're going to get 3 opinions.  It's about the same with progressives.  Progress is a subjective term, you know?

  10. Something tells me you're a proud two-time voter for W.

  11. Yup and I believe it is ok to join the TANG to avoid Vietnam & bug out when an upcoming Flight Physical that will include a drug test is scheduled.  "Coke" is fine do a line any time.

  12. "Progressive" like the words "liberal" and "social democrat' are mere codewords for "Socialist" Socialists these days have taken intellecual dishonesty to new levels and seem to take pride in a lack of courage in their convictions. Few people would listen to them if they referred to themselves honestly.

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