
Does being a "real Democrat" or a "real Republican" mean supporting your party no matter how wrong they are?

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If so, isn't that a big part of why we are making little progress in addressing our most crucial problems?




  1. Apparently.

    Ooooh....Neil Diamond...I'll vote for you bud!

    Shilo when I was young.....

  2. Well I'm a real Diamond

  3. You are voting for the lesser of the evil as in most elections.  

  4. No, contrary to what a lot of the more immature on this site believe, "real" Democrats and "real" Republicans are "real" people, also.  And that means they have ideals, beliefs, and interests that are convoluted and intricate.  To blindly follow a party, any party, either party, would require a great lack of insight and reflection.  Most people don't go through life with blinders on.

    Those that do post rants about how someone can't be a "real" Democrat (or Republican) and say they will not vote for that party this election, for their own personal reasons.

  5. No, that's called being a "real idiot"

  6. I cannot for the life of me understand how Obama is getting so much support.

    No experience. Bad associations. Racist book. Zero accomplishments. Socialist. Elitist. Old school politician.

  7. From the republican responses I've seen on here on the way "Barack told you libs not to talk about Palin's daughter!", it seems that most republicans believe in blindly following there leaders and are angry when we dont.

  8. If you think your party is wrong about everything; You should become a "real" member of the other party...


  9. This is why I stay in the category of independent. I don't ever commit to one party or the other. I commit to the individuals running.  

  10. Apparently so why else would people vote Repub

  11. No.  If you are a "real American" you will vote based on the issues that are important to you, and that are for the good of our country.

  12. I own my own d**n brain.

    im not voting because of party lines.

    im voting obama because his positions on issues important to me are SLIGHTLY better than mccain.

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